═══ 1. Introduction ═══ RPF Zip Control(TM) Copyright 1993, 1994 RPF Software All Rights Reserved Zip Control is a shareware OS/2 32-bit Presentation Manager (PM) program which provides a "point and click" interface to the freeware Zip.exe and UnZip.exe OS/2 programs. Zip.exe and UnZip.exe are command line OS/2 programs which provide most of the functionality of (and are compatible with) the DOS PkZip and PkUnZip 2.x archive programs, with the added benefit of supporting OS/2's extended attributes (EA's) and OS/2's long file name capabilities. UnZip and Zip are available as freeware on many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, on the IBM NSC BBS, and on CompuServe (OS2USER forum, Library 4 for UNZ512.EXE and ZIP201.ZIP). Zip and UnZip are freeware products of Info-ZIP. Zip Control is a shareware product of RPF Software. Info-ZIP and RPF Software are independent organizations. Zip Control only works with the OS/2 versions of Zip.exe and UnZip.exe, versions 2.01 and 5.1 (or higher), respectively. Zip Control is available on CompuServe (OS2SHARE Forum, Library 1, and OS2USER Forum, Library 4), the Internet (ftp-os2.cdrom.com), Pete Norloff's OS/2 Shareware BBS (703.385.4325), Fernwood BBS (203.483.0348), Pandora's Box (619.291.9716), Prodigy OS/2 Club, America On Line, and other BBSs which carry OS/2 software. Primary support is via email and in CompuServe's OS2SHARE Forum, Section One (OS/2 Shareware). Zip Control is copyrighted shareware, it is NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN, it is NOT FREE. You are encouraged to use it for a reasonable evaluation period (21 days) to see if it is software which is helpful to you and which you wish to continue using. If you do decide to continue using Zip Control, you MUST register your copy of Zip Control by filling out the form in ORDER.DOC and sending it along with the registration fee to RPF Software. Alternatively, and perhaps easier, you may register using the CompuServe online registration service. The registration fee will be added to your CompuServe bill. To use this method, GO SWREG. The registration number is 1373, or search for "RPF Zip Control." The registration fee is currently US$35.00. ═══ 2. Installation ═══ Quick Install 1. Create a new directory, e.g., ZipCntrl, and move the Zip Control archive (usually ZIPCTL.ZIP) there. MD \ZipCntrl 2. Use UnZip.exe to unzip the contents of the Zip Control archive into the new directory. UNZIP ZIPCTL 3. Create a desktop program reference for Zip Control. a. Open the Templates folder on the desktop. b. Using the right mouse button, drag the Program template to an open location on the desktop. c. Enter the path and file name for Zip Control, e.g., C:\ZipCntrl\ZipCntrl.exe d. Using the left mouse button, click on the General notebook tab. e. Enter the Title for Zip Control, e.g., Zip Control f. Close the settings notebook by clicking on the notebook's top left corner icon and then clicking on Close. Updating a Previous Version of Zip Control 1. Move the Zip Control archive (usually ZIPCTL.ZIP) to your Zip Control product directory (where your current ZipCntrl.exe file is). 2. Use UnZip.exe to unzip the contents of the Zip Control archive into the new directory. UNZIP ZIPCTL Note: Your Zip Control settings and user preferences will not be changed, nor will you need to reenter your registration number. Settings and user preferences are saved in the ZipCntrl.ini file. Your current ZipCntrl.ini file will be used for your updated version of Zip Control. Optional (but recommended) Additional Setup 1. Establish an "association" between "*.zip" files and Zip Control. If an "association" is established for *.zip files (to the Zip Control desktop object), Zip Control can be started by double clicking .zip files displayed using the Drives object. To establish the association, open the Settings window for the Zip Control desktop object and select the "Association" page (tab). In the lower section of the page, enter "*.zip" (without the quotes) in the "New Name" field. Then select "Add." If there exists a previous association established with another program, that association should be removed from either the other program's desktop object OR from the other program's .EXE file (via the Drives object), before establishing a new association with Zip Control. To determine whether a previous association is in effect and to what program or object, do a right mouse button click on a Drives listing of a .zip file, then select the arrow to the right of "Open." Any current associations will be listed below the word "Settings." 2. Use the "Paths" page of the "Settings" notebook in Zip Control to define the path where .ZIP files will usually be found, such as C:\DOWNLOAD. Also, define a default output directory, such as C:\SCRATCH, and a work location directory. If you do not define a Work Location, the default work location directory will be set to the directory in which ZipCntrl.exe resides. A change in Work Location does not take effect until restarting Zip Control. Note: A subdirectory, ~ZipWork, of the work location directory is used for Zip Control temporary files created when using "View", "Print", "New", "Add", and "Delete". The temporary files should be automatically cleaned up. However, if they are not automatically deleted, you may delete them at any time. The temporary files should all be located in the ~ZipWork subdirectory. Since the work location directory will be used to create potentially large temporary files, select a path (drive and directory) which has significant free disk space. 3. In the Settings notebook, Programs page, define the path and name of the files to be used for zipping, unzipping, and viewing files. The zip and unzip programs must be the OS/2 versions of Zip.exe and UnZip.exe. It is probably best that they be either placed in a directory that is included in the Path statement defined in your Config.sys file OR you add the directory where they are located to the Path statement in your Config.sys file. This will allow them to be easily accessible if you occasionally want to use them from the command line. If Zip.exe and UnZip.exe are not in a directory of your Path statement, include the full path for the files in the Settings notebook, Programs page. The view program (and full path, if not located in a directory included in the Path statement) is the editor that will be used to view a text file whenever you disable the SmartView feature. While SmartView is enabled, the "associations" that are established within OS/2 will be used to determine which program will act on (display or run) the to-be-viewed file. ═══ 3. Settings ═══ The Settings notebook includes pages which contain the settings for: o Options - General Defines default options for Zip Control. o Options - UnZip Defines default options used when unzipping. o Options - Zip Defines default options used when zipping. o Options - CheckOut Defines default options used when using CheckOut. o Paths Defines default paths. o Programs Defines the zip, unzip, default view, and virus scan programs. ═══ 3.1. Options - General ═══ The Options - General page of the Settings notebook defines default options used by Zip Control. o "Hide buttons" will hide all of Zip Control's main window except for the title bar and the list box. The main window will be resized to be the same size as the list box. The window (and list box) will be re-sizable. When "Hide buttons" is active, less Desktop space will be used. Use the "accelerator keys" to perform Open, New, etc., or use the pop-up menu. The pop-up menu (right mouse button click in the Zip Control window) shows the available accelerator keys. The accelerator key "Ctrl-H" toggles between the minimized "expert" mode and the standard Zip Control main window. o "Minimize active window while processing" causes the active window, e.g., the UnZip window, to be minimized while the unzip is in process. A small progress window will be displayed in a corner of the screen. This frees up screen "real estate" during long processing, e.g., large zips or unzips. Once the process completes, the active window, if minimized, will be restored to the size and location it was before being minimized. o "Extended selection" sets the default list box selection mode to Extended. Otherwise, the selection mode is Multiple. "Extended" selection allows the selection (highlighting) of one or more than one lines in a list box by dragging the mouse over those entries while mouse button one is depressed. Single entries can be selected or deselected by clicking the left mouse button while depressing the Ctrl key. "Multiple" selection allows the selection of multiple list box entries by making left mouse button clicks, one at a time, on the list box entries. Select a highlighted entry again to deselect it. o "SmartView" sets the default View operation of Zip Control to use the Work Place Shell's associations to determine how to View a file contained in a .zip file. For example, text files and icon files are associated with the System Editor (E.Exe) and the Icon Editor (IconEdit.exe), respectively, in the default OS/2 installation. These WPS associations can be changed by editing the entries on the Associations page of WPS objects. In the example above, with SmartView enabled, a request to View a file which has a .ico file extension will display that icon file using the Icon Editor (IconEdit.exe). This is the same way that the file would be viewed if opened from the WPS or from the Drives object. With SmartView disabled, the View command will use the View program defined on the Programs page of the Zip Control Settings notebook. This feature is handy in viewing a text file which has, as its file extension, an extension that the WPS would incorrectly interpret. An example would be a file with a .inf extension which is a text file, not a file to be viewed with the OS/2 program View.exe. o "LaserJet 2-up" sets the default Print option to use the LaserJet 2-up printing capability. This option prints two pages of a text file on each page of paper, side by side. Additionally, a header and footer is printed on each page. o "AutoOpen" automatically opens the file open dialog box when Zip Control is started. o "AutoComments" automatically opens the Comments window, if the .zip file contains archive comments. o "Save colors/fonts" sets the default for each window to save the colors and fonts used for that window. This allows customization of the colors and fonts on a window by window basis, using OS/2's drag and drop of colors and fonts (or color schemes) to Zip Control's windows or window components, e.g., background color or push button font. o "Reset Colors/Fonts" will remove ALL previously saved Zip Control window colors and fonts. The result is that Zip Control will revert back to using the color scheme which is active for OS/2. The default settings above may be individually overridden (within the appropriate window). ═══ 3.2. Options - UnZip ═══ The Options - UnZip page of the Settings notebook defines default options used when unzipping. o "Respect" the stored path(s) in the .zip file (or not). "Respect" (the default and recommended), when checked, will unzip the files in the .zip file to the target directory, create (if necessary) the relative paths (directories) as subdirectories to the target directory, and properly place the unzipped files in the correct subdirectories. When "Respect" is NOT checked, the files in the .zip file will be placed in the target directory . . . even if the intended file paths had been stored in the .zip file. o "Update" existing files and create new ones as needed. "Update" will, during the unzip process, replace existing files of the same name in the target directory IF and ONLY IF the files in the .zip file have a later creation date than the same-named files in the target directory. "Update" will also, during the unzip process, unzip any files in the .zip file which are not in the target directory. o "Freshen" existing files, but do not create new files. "Freshen" will perform as "Update" (above) does but WILL NOT unzip any files in the .zip file which are not in the target directory. "Freshen" is not compatible with the "Never overwrite" option, since "never overwriting" existing files and not unzipping files which do not exist in the target directory leaves nothing for UnZip.exe to do. "Update" and "Freshen" are mutually exclusive selections. With neither "Update" nor "Freshen" selected (the default and recommended), the files ("Selected" or "All") in the .zip file will be unzipped to the target directory, REPLACING any existing files of the same name, regardless of file creation date, and also unzipping files which do not currently exist in the target directory . . . subject to the "Never overwrite" option. o "Never overwrite" existing files. "Never overwrite" will prevent UnZip.exe from unzipping files from the .zip file which already exist in the target directory. o "Don't make names lower case." "Don't make names lower case" will prevent UnZip.exe from converting to lower case, file names which were originally stored as upper case on a DOS system. The default settings above may be individually overridden (within the UnZip window) when performing each unzip. ═══ 3.3. Options - Zip ═══ The Options - Zip page of the Settings notebook defines default options used when zipping. o "Store path(s)" will store the proper path (directory) names in the zip file, relative to the highlighted directory. If you have selected several files from the "File" list, those files will be zipped, stored with the beginning path being the highlighted path in the "Directory" list. If you have selected (highlighted) a directory with the "Select Directory" button, all the files in the directory will be zipped, if All Files is checked; otherwise, just the directory name will be stored. If All Files is checked and Store Path is checked, then the directory name along with all its files will be stored. o "Zip all subdirs too" zips all files in the selected directory plus all the files in its subdirectories. In most cases you should also select "Store path(s)" so that Zip can resolve zipping two files with the same file name. If you are certain that no two file names in the highlighted directory and its subdirectories have the same name, "Store path(s)" is optional. o "System/Hidden files" - Files with the system and/or hidden file attribute are displayed in the file list, but are not stored in the zip file unless this item is checked. o "Grow (faster/risky)" - Normally Zip adds files to a temporary file, and if that completes successfully, it deletes the old zip file (if any) and renames the temporary file to the old name. This has some added safety at the expense of slightly slower processing time and using more disk space temporarily. The Grow option can be use to dynamically extend an existing zip file. If all goes well, then everything will be fine. However, if OS/2 is stopped due to a power outage (or some other problem), then the integrity of the "in process" zip file would be suspect. o ".Zip date = latest file" - The file date of the .zip file will be changed to match the date of the newest file in the .zip file. o "Compression" can be adjusted, by using the spin buttons, to set a value from 1 (the fastest compression mode->larger .zip files) to 9 (the slowest compression mode->smallest .zip files). The default is 9. ═══ 3.4. Options - CheckOut ═══ The Options - CheckOut page of the Settings notebook defines default "Auto" options for the CheckOut window. o "Extract", when checked, will cause the contents of the zip file to be extracted to a temporary directory for possible scanning and for file review, automatically after the Test operation has competed. The directory containing the extracted files will appear on the Desktop. This will allow you to run an Install program or to "test run" the program. o "Scan" causes the Scan function to be automatically started against the files Extracted to the temporary directory, after Extract completes. Upon the completion of the Scan, a report will be displayed listing the results of the Scan. o "ReZip" is automatically run after Comments completes. This will rezip the contents of the temporary directory at the maximum compression, with stored paths, and with the any new comments, to the new file name supplied. o "Exit" is performed automatically after the ReZip is completed. ═══ 3.5. Paths ═══ The Paths page of the Settings notebook defines default paths used by Zip Control. o Directory where .zip files usually are. Set this path (drive and directory) to where you normally download .zip files. o Directory into which .zip files are usually unzipped. Set this path (drive and directory) to where you usually want zip files unzipped. o The option to, by default, unzip files into the same directory in which each .zip file is located (rather than using the default output directory). o Working directory for Zip Control. Set this path (drive and directory) to a directory on a disk drive which has significant free disk space. This working directory is used for the temporary files created by Zip.exe and Zip Control. Note: A subdirectory, ~ZipWork, of the work location directory is used for Zip Control temporary files created when using "View", "Print", "New", "Add", and "Delete". The temporary files should be automatically cleaned up. However, if they are not automatically deleted, you may delete them at any time. The temporary files should all be located in the ~ZipWork subdirectory. Since the work location directory will be used to create potentially large temporary files, select a path (drive and directory) which has significant free disk space. ═══ 3.6. Programs ═══ The Programs page of the Settings notebook defines programs used by Zip Control. o The name, and optionally path, of the Zip program. o The name, and optionally path, of the UnZip program. o The name, and optionally path, of the program with which you wish to view files stored within the .zip file when not using the SmartView feature. The method in which the view program is started may be customized ("Custom"). This may be helpful for DOS or OS/2 "viewers" which need to be forced to Full Screen or Windowed. o The full path and name of the OS/2 program to use to scan for viruses. The virus scanning feature is found in CheckOut. ═══ 4. Open ═══ The Open button is one of several methods to make a specific .zip file the "active" .zip file. Once a .zip file is "active," the list of files contained in the .zip file are listed in the "Zip File Contents" list box. The other methods of "activating" a .zip file are: o Dragging one or more .zip files from the Drives container (or the Desktop) to the Zip Control desktop program reference object. o Starting the ZipCntrl.exe program from the command line, e.g., ZipCntrl.exe MyFile.zip o Double clicking on a .zip file from the Drives container (or the Desktop), if "*.zip" has been "associated" with Zip Control. The File Open Dialog Box The file open dialog box initially lists the *.zip files in the directory defined in the Settings notebook, Paths page, which describes the default location for .zip files. Only files which have a .zip extension are listed. If you want to display a list of self-extracting (zip format) archives, change the "filter" in the Open filename entry field to "*.exe" and press the Enter key or click on the OK button. After selecting a zip archive, the file open dialog box will close, the title of the main window will be changed to reflect the name of the zip file, and the list of files contained in the zip archive will be displayed in the Zip File Contents list box. Zip Control "remembers" the last path (drive and directory) where you opened a zip file and will use this for the next Open (during that Zip Control session). Note: If the AutoOpen option is selected, then Zip Control will automatically open the file open dialog box when started. ═══ 5. UnZip ═══ "UnZip" acts on highlighted (Selected) files in the list box (from the .zip file) or ALL files. You first have an opportunity to override the defaults listed in Settings, Options - UnZip and Settings, Options - Paths and to override the target directory. The target directory will be created if it does not exist. A progress indicator is provided. Also, the output path may be temporarily "for this session only" changed to either the default output path, the last output path, or the path where the .zip file is located. For ease in selecting previous target paths, the last ten target paths are stored in the "Output path history." The list of previous target paths is accessible from the "down arrow" to the right of the Output path entry field. If you are unzipping a password-protected file, you will be asked to enter the password used by the person who originally created the zip file. See also: o Settings notebook, Options - UnZip for explanations of the UnZip options that may be selected. o Progress window o User preferences Save/Reset colors/fonts ═══ 6. Zip ═══ When Zip Control is started, there is no active .zip file. To create a new .zip file, choose New. The Add button will be disabled (greyed out) until a new .zip file is created or an existing .zip file is Opened. You can tell which .zip file is in use (or active) by the .zip file name in the title bar. Several choices are available to Zip files (to add files to a new or existing .zip file). o New creates an empty .zip file and makes it the active .zip file. o Add adds selected files to the active .zip file. The active .zip file may be an existing or new .zip file. o Delete deletes selected files from the active .zip file. o Save As saves the active .zip file to a new file name (creates a new copy). Drag and Drop allows dragging files from the Desktop or a Drives folder to Zip Control's main window list box. One or more folders and/or files may be dragged at one time. The default drag mode is to zip a folder's files and the files in its subdirectories, storing the path name for any files in subdirectories. Pressing the Ctrl key while dragging and dropping will also store the path name with the files in the top level directory. Pressing both the Ctrl and Shift keys while dragging and dropping will result in no path names being stored. ═══ 6.1. New ═══ Zip Control opens with no active .zip file. Choose "New" to begin building a new zip file. If you wish to create a new zip file while another zip file is being displayed in Zip Control, press the "New" button, and a new, empty zip file (and empty list box) will be created. You will be asked to name the New zip file. "New" will automatically choose "Add" to add files to the new zip file. ═══ 6.2. Add ═══ An entire directory or selected files may be added to the "Selected" list. As you add each selection to the list, the "Encrypt, "Store path", "Store path of selected dir", "Subdirectories", "Freshen", "Update", "System/Hidden", "Grow", ".Zip date", and compression speed choices will be applied to the selected files and directories. Additions may be made to a newly "Created" .zip file or to an existing named .zip file. Note: Choose the options that you wish to use BEFORE selecting files or directories to be added to the zip file. You will notice that your chosen options will be included in the list of files to be zipped. Choose options first, THEN choose files and directories. o "Encrypt" stores a password in the zip file being created or modified. The password you supply will be required by anyone attempting to unzip the files that you are adding to the zip file. o "Store path(s)" will store the proper path (directory) names in the zip file, relative to the highlighted directory. If you have selected several files from the "File" list, those files will be zipped, stored with the beginning path being the highlighted path in the "Directory" list. If you have selected (highlighted) a directory with the "Select Directory" button, all the files in the directory will be zipped, if All Files is checked; otherwise, just the directory name will be stored. If All Files is checked and Store Path is checked, then the directory name along with all its files will be stored. o "Store path of selected dir" will use the path of the selected directory as the "top level" directory when "Store path(s)" is selected. Normally (unchecked), directory names will only be stored for the files in the subdirectories of the highlighted directory. o "Zip all subdirs too" zips all files in the selected directory plus all the files in its subdirectories. In most cases you should also select "Store path(s)" so that Zip can resolve zipping two files with the same file name. If you are certain that no two file names in the highlighted directory and its subdirectories have the same name, "Store path(s)" is optional. o "System/Hidden files" - Files with the system and/or hidden file attribute are displayed in the file list, but are not stored in the zip file unless this item is checked. o "Grow (faster/risky)" - Normally Zip adds files to a temporary file, and if that completes successfully, it deletes the old zip file (if any) and renames the temporary file to the old name. This has some added safety at the expense of slightly slower processing time and using more disk space temporarily. The Grow option can be use to dynamically extend an existing zip file. If all goes well, then everything will be fine. However, if OS/2 is stopped due to a power outage (or some other problem), then the integrity of the "in process" zip file would be suspect. o ".Zip date = latest file" - The file date of the .zip file will be changed to match the date of the newest file in the .zip file. Compression can be adjusted, by dragging the slider button, from 1 (the fastest compression mode->larger .zip files) to 9 (the slowest compression mode->smallest .zip files). The default is 9, but can be changed in the Settings notebook, Options - Zip page. Once files have been added to the "Selected" list, they may be highlighted. Files selected (highlighted) when the "Delete" button is pressed will be removed from the "Selected" list. Files are not actually zipped and added to the .zip file until the "OK" button is pressed. "Comments" - This selection allows you to add comments to the .zip file. After this selection is made, any current comments for the file will be displayed. These may be changed or deleted or additional comments added. Optionally, a previously prepared comments file may be "imported" at the point where the cursor is located. "Cancel" - All proposed additions to the .zip file and comment changes are cancelled. "OK" - begins the Add process. All directories and files in the Selected list will be added to the .zip fle regardless of whether they are highlighted or not. Depending on the number of files to be added, this may be a quick or slow process. A progress window will be displayed. See also: o Settings notebook, Options - Zip for explanations of the "Freshen" and "Update" options that may be selected. o Progress window o User preferences Save colors/fonts ═══ 6.3. Delete ═══ Use this selection to delete selected files from an existing .zip file. A confirmation is required. ═══ 6.4. Save As ═══ An existing .zip file will be saved to a name you select. Save As will not replace or rename an existing .zip file, but will create a copy of the existing file with the new file name. As an example, if the current file is "Backup.zip", Save As may create a new file "110393.zip" (a copy of Backup.zip), but leave Backup.zip as it was. This will allow you to safely delete and add files to the new .zip file without harming the original .zip file. Save As has to be done prior to the deletion and addition since those choices perform immediate deletion and addition to the current .zip file. ═══ 7. View ═══ View passes ALL highlighted files in the list box to the default View program (E.EXE, LIST.EXE, etc.) defined in the Programs page of the Settings notebook (if SmartView is "off") or to the editor which is "associated" with that type of file within OS/2 (if SmartView is active). Several files can be viewed at the same time. The default viewer may be helpful for viewing files which, as an example, have an .INF file extension, but are actually plain text files. The "defined viewer for that type file" will be determined by the "association" set via the Work Place Shell (if SmartView is active) or via the Zip Control Settings Notebook if SmartView is "off." ═══ 8. Print ═══ "Print" presents a listing of the files which have been highlighted. These files can be left selected (for printing) or not (will not be printed). Then the files will be printed to the printer which is selected from one of the installed printers. Simple LaserJet 2-up printing is an option. ═══ 9. Comments ═══ "Comments" displays the embedded .zip file comments, if present. Note: If the "AutoComments" box is checked, comments (if any) stored in the .zip file will automatically be displayed. ═══ 10. CheckOut ═══ "CheckOut" provides a temporary work space where an already "Opened" .zip file may be "tested" for .zip file integrity, "extracted" to a temporary directory, its contents "scanned" for viruses, and the virus "report" displayed. Additionally, "CheckOut" may be used to "test run" the contents of the .zip file or the contents of the .zip file may be "rezipped" at a greater compression. The capabilities of CheckOut are useful to SysOps of BBSs and online forums. o "Test" invokes UnZip's -t option to test the integrity of the .zip file and its contents. o "Extract" extracts the .zip file contents to a temporary directory (after first deleting any prior contents of that temporary directory) and then opens a folder on the Desktop containing those files. This permits a test run of any programs in the temporary directory. This is also helpful for those .zip files which expect the contents to be extracted to a temporary directory in order to be installed. Once the product installation is completed, the temporary directory (and its contents) would then be deleted. o "Scan" is used to virus check the contents of the .zip file. It first extracts the contents of the .zip file to a temporary directory. Then the virus scan program defined in Settings, Options - Programs is run against the files. The virus scan report is then displayed for review. o "Delete" removes the temporary directory and its contents from the hard drive and from the Desktop. o "Comments" adds ad hoc or pre-defined comments to the archive. o "ReZip" will automatically rezip the .zip file contents, using maximum compression. This may be useful for BBS and online forum SysOps who want to minimize disk storage requirements and download time. o "Exit" leaves CheckOut and returns to the main Zip Control window. Note: "Auto" - When one of the CheckOut selections is completed, the next CheckOut selection is automatically performed if the box next to the selection is checked. This can speed use of CheckOut. Default "Auto" selections are Extract and Scan. The default "Auto" selections can be changed in the Settings notebook. ═══ 11. Search ═══ "Search" is used to build a list of all .zip files on one or more disk drives. The list of files is sorted by name+date+path, path+name+date, or date+name+path. This sort order may be changed at any time, without necessitating a re-search of the disk drives. If "Ascending" is checked, then the sort will be in ascending order, otherwise it will be in descending order. Individual files in the list may be selected for either deletion (perhaps duplicates) or opening (unzipping). All the other Zip Control capabilities are available for .zip files "opened" from the Search window. ═══ 12. User Preferences ═══ Several user preferences are "remembered" from session to session. o SmartView o AutoComments o AutoOpen o Extended Selection o Colors/Fonts ═══ 12.1. SmartView ═══ SmartView allows Zip Control to use the Work Place Shell settings (associations) to determine which editor (or other program) to use to display (or run) a file contained in a .zip file when the View button is clicked. The default SmartView setting is defined in the Settings notebook, Options - General page. ═══ 12.2. AutoComments ═══ AutoComments automatically opens the Comments window, if the .zip file contains archive comments. The default AutoComments setting is defined in the Settings notebook, Options - General page. ═══ 12.3. AutoOpen ═══ AutoOpen automatically opens the file open dialog box when Zip Control is started. The default AutoOpen setting is defined in the Settings notebook, Options - General page. ═══ 12.4. Extended Selection ═══ Extended Selection enables that mode of selecting files from the Zip File Contents list box. With this mode active, you may press the mouse button and drag the mouse across multiple file names, selecting them all as you drag the mouse. The default Extended Selection setting is defined in the Settings notebook, Options - General page. ═══ 12.5. Colors/Fonts ═══ o Save Colors/Fonts, when selected, will save any color or font changes made to Zip Control. These changes are usually made by opening the System Setup Color, Scheme, and/or Font programs and dragging and dropping specific colors, schemes, and/or fonts on Zip Control windows or objects. The default Colors/Fonts setting is defined in the Settings notebook, Options - General page. o Reset Colors/Fonts, when pushed, will reset ALL the colors, schemes, and/or fonts of Zip Control back to those that are active the next time Zip Control is started. This choice is located in the Settings notebook. ═══ 13. Trouble Shooting ═══ Known Problems Zip Control Error Messages Most users find Zip Control easy to use and register the software without reporting any problems. However, other users may have a different operating environment or may use Zip Control with .zip files where Zip.exe or UnZip.exe send Zip Control error messages. In those cases, the ZC users will see a general error message from ZC which offers to display the error message reported by Zip.exe or UnZip.exe. It further offers to display additional information which you may wish to report to RPF Software. At that point RPF Software duplicates the problem and, if the problem is caused by Zip Control, makes the necessary software repairs to properly handle the problem. A new version of ZC is then made available. When the error message offers to display the specific error message as reported by Zip.exe or UnZip.exe, this alerts alert you to a possible problem with the .zip file with which you are working. Prior to contacting RPF Software, you may wish to try the same action (zip or unzip) from the command line with either Zip.exe or UnZip.exe, as appropriate, to see if the same error is reported. Since this test will be done without Zip Control, if the error message occurs, the problem is then narrowed to either a problem with the .zip file itself or a problem with Zip.exe or UnZip.exe. You may need to refer to the appropriate Zip.doc or UnZip.doc to determine the correct syntax for the command line programs. Contact Information for Support RPF Software P.O. Box 420457 Atlanta, GA 30342 CompuServe: 71660,535 Internet: 71660.535@compuserve.com (use above for Prodigy, AOL, MCIMAIL, Internet) FAX: 404.250.0282 ═══ 14. Product Information ═══ RPF Zip Control(TM) Copyright 1993, 1994 RPF Software ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -------------------------- Order Form -------------------------------- Type of Registration VERSION 2.1.6 Qty Each Total -------------------- ------------- ----- ---- ------- Single User Registration Numbers _____ $35 $______ Unlimited User Registration Number (at one site) _____ $250 $______ Unlimited User Registration Number (multi-site) _____ $975 $______ ---------------------- Registrant Information ------------------------ (use copies of this form for multiple single/site registrations) User/Contact Name ____________________________________________________ Company Name ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State/Province____________________ Country ___________________________ Zip/Postal Code___________________ Telephone _________________________ FAX ______________________________ CompuServe ID_____________ MCIMAIL ID_____________ AOL ID_____________ Internet ID________________________ Prodigy ID________________________ Where I got Zip Control ______________________________________________ (so we can ensure we place the latest copies of ZC there) -------------------------- Form of Payment --------------------------- Payment should be made in US $ either by a check drawn on a US bank, US money order, or an American Express International money order. Alternatively, you may register via CompuServe by using GO SWREG at the CompuServe prompt. The registration fee will be placed on your CompuServe bill. The registration number is 1373 or search for "RPF Zip Control." In return for the registration fee, you will be sent a registration number to enter on the Product Information screen. This will disable the "Unregistered Evaluation Copy" message. Most importantly, registration will mean that you have a legal license to use the software AND you are supporting OS/2 software development. -------------- Where to Send Payment & Registration Form ------------- Mail your payment and registration form to: Attn: Richard Fortson RPF Software P.O. Box 420457 Atlanta, GA 30342 ═══ Progress ═══ Some Zip and UnZip operations may be time consuming. For these, Zip Control displays a small progress window. Depending on the information that is available to Zip Control, the progress window will display either the % complete or elapsed time. If the "Minimize while processing" check box is checked, all of Zip Control will be minimized, with just the progress window keeping you informed of progress. The "Minimize while processing" check box may be checked at any time. If it is unchecked, Zip Control restores itself from its minimized state. The progress window remains. If the Cancel button is pressed, Zip Control will interrupt the UnZip, Zip, or other processing almost immediately. See also Save colors/fonts ═══ ═══ Shareware is software which you may "test drive" prior to licensing it. Typically, you may try the software for 21-30 days. If you like the software enough to continue using it, you must register it with the author and pay the associated registration fee (usually very reasonable).