═══ 1. PMUUE Extended Help ═══ This program was created to perform two main functions: o Converting a binary file to a UUENCODED file o Converting a UUENCODED file to a binary file ═══ 2. PMUUE Keys ═══ From the main window, you can press: o F10 Menu o Ctrl-D Decode a UUENCODED file to a binary file o Ctrl-E Encode a binary file to a UUENCODED file o Alt-F4 Exit application o Alt-F9 Minimize window o Alt-F10 Maximize window ═══ 3. Help for Menu Item "Help index..." ═══ ═══ 4. Help for Menu Item "General help..." ═══ Converting a binary file to a UUENCODED file (Encoding a file) To encode a file: 1. Press Ctrl-E or select "Encode..." from the "File" menu 2. Select the files to encode from the file dialog 3. Select "OK" when finished selection The program should encode the files at this time. Converting a UUENCODED file to a binary file (Decoding a file) To decode a file: 1. Press Ctrl-D or select "Decode..." from the "File" menu 2. Select the file to decode from the file dialog Note: The selected files must be in UUENCODED form 3. Select "OK" when finished selection The program should decode the files at this time. ═══ 5. Help for Menu Item "Keys help..." ═══ Active key list goes here. ═══ 6. Help for Menu Item "Using help..." ═══ ═══ 7. What is PMUUE? ═══ PMUUE stands for "Presentation Manager Unix-to-Unix Encoder/decoder. " Basically, this program can convert a binary file into UUENCODED format or convert a file from UUENCODED format back into a binary file. A UUENCODED file is a file in a special coded format such that all the data in that file is a printable character. This format is used to transport files through text-based media such as an Internet newsgroup.