SCOTT OVERPRINT F_VALUE PRINT_M 11x11 None c Hale Flat Plate 653 11x10 None c Hale Rotary Press 552 11x11 None 1c Franklin Flat Plate 594 11x11 None 1c Franklin Rotary Press 578 11x10 None 1c Franklin Rotary Press 581 10x10 None 1c Franklin Rotary Press 632 11x10 None 1c Franklin Rotary Press 658 11x10 Kans.1c Franklin Rotary Press 669 11x10 Nebr.1c Franklin Rotary Press 575 IMPERF None 1c Franklin Flat Plate 597 COIL10VNone 1c Franklin Rotary Press 604 COIL10HNone 1c Franklin Rotary Press 553 11x11 None 1 c Harding Flat Plate 633 11x10 None 1 c Harding Rotary Press 659 11x10 Kans.1 c Harding Rotary Press 670 11x10 Nebr.1 c Harding Rotary Press 582 10x10 None 1 c Harding Rotary Press 598 COIL10VNone 1 c Harding Rotary Press 605 COIL10HNone 1 c Harding Rotary Press 576 IMPERF None 1 c Harding Flat Plate 631 IMPERF None 1 c Harding Rotary Press 554 11x11 None 2c Washington Flat Plate 595 11x11 None 2c Washington Rotary Press 579 11x10 None 2c Washington Rotary Press 634 11x10 None 2c Washington Rotary Press 634A 11x10 None 2c Washington Rotary Press 555 11x11 None 3c Lincoln Flat Plate 660 11x10 Kans.2c Washington Rotary Press 671 11x10 Nebr.2c Washington Rotary Press 583 10x10 None 2c Washington Rotary Press 577 IMPERF None 2c Washington Flat Plate 599 COIL10VNone 2c Washington Rotary Press 599A COIL10VNone 2c Washington Rotary Press 606 COIL10HNone 2c Washington Rotary Press 635 11x10 None 3c Lincoln Rotary Press 661 11x10 Kans.3c Lincoln Rotary Press 672 11x10 Nebr.3c Lincoln Rotary Press 584 10x10 None 3c Lincoln Rotary Press 600 COIL10VNone 3c Lincoln Rotary Press 556 11x11 None 4c Martha Washington Flat Plate 636 11x10 None 4c Martha Washington Rotary Press 662 11x10 Kans.4c Martha Washington Rotary Press 673 11x10 Nebr.4c Martha Washington Rotary Press 585 10x10 None 4c Martha Washington Rotary Press 601 COIL10VNone 4c Martha Washington Rotary Press 557 11x11 None 5c Roosevelt Flat Plate 637 11x10 None 5c Roosevelt Rotary Press 648 11x10 Hawai5c Roosevelt Rotary Press 663 11x10 Kans.5c Roosevelt Rotary Press 674 11x10 Nebr.5c Roosevelt Rotary Press 586 10x10 None 5c Roosevelt Rotary Press 602 COIL10VNone 5c Roosevelt Rotary Press 558 11x11 None 6c Garfield Flat Plate 638 11x10 None 6c Garfield Rotary Press 664 11x10 Kans.6c Garfield Rotary Press 675 11x10 Nebr.6c Garfield Rotary Press 587 10x10 None 6c Garfield Rotary Press 723 COIL10VNone 6c Garfield Rotary Press 559 11x11 None 7c McKinley Flat Plate 639 11x10 None 7c McKinley Rotary Press 665 11x10 Kans.7c McKinley Rotary Press 676 11x10 Nebr.7c McKinley Rotary Press 588 10x10 None 7c McKinley Rotary Press 560 11x11 None 8c Grant Flat Plate 640 11x10 None 8c Grant Rotary Press 666 11x10 Kans.8c Grant Rotary Press 677 11x10 Nebr.8c Grant Rotary Press 589 10x10 None 8c Grant Rotary Press 561 11x11 None 9c Jefferson Flat Plate 641 11x10 None 9c Jefferson Rotary Press 667 11x10 Kans.9c Jefferson Rotary Press 678 11x10 Nebr.9c Jefferson Rotary Press 590 10x10 None 9c Jefferson Rotary Press 562 11x11 None 10c Monroe Flat Plate 642 11x10 None 10c Monroe Rotary Press 668 11x10 Kans.10c Monroe Rotary Press 679 11x10 Nebr.10c Monroe Rotary Press 591 10x10 None 10c Monroe Rotary Press 603 COIL10VNone 10c Monroe Rotary Press 563 11x11 None 11c Hayes Flat Plate 692 11x10 None 11c Hayes Rotary Press 564 11x11 None 12c Cleveland Flat Plate 693 11x10 None 12c Cleveland Rotary Press 565 11x11 None 14c American Indian Flat Plate 695 11x10 None 14c American Indian Rotary Press 566 11x11 None 15c Statue of Liberty Flat Plate 696 11x10 None 15c Statue of Liberty Rotary Press 567 11x11 None 20c Golden Gate Flat Plate 698 None 20c Golden Gate Rotary Press 568 11x11 None 25c Niagara Falls Flat Plate 699 None 25c Niagara Falls Rotary Press 569 11x11 None 30c Buffalo Flat Plate 700 None 30c Buffalo Rotary Press 570 11x11 None 50c Arlington AmphitheatorFlat Plate 701 None 50c Arlington AmphitheatorRotary Press 571 11x11 None $1.00 Lincoln Memorial Flat Plate 572 11x11 None $2.00 Capitol Flat Plate 573 11x11 None $5.00 "America" Flat Plate 647 11x10 Hawai2c Washington Rotary Press 697 10 None 17c Wilson Rotary Press 623 11x11 None 17c Wilson Rotary Press 694 11x10 None 13 Harrison Rotary Press 622 11x11 None 13c Harrison Rotary Press