TurboIRC registration

TurboIRC « is a shareware program . That means that if you like to use it , you must get a license from me for registration . You may use TurboIRC for a period of 30 days , but after that , it is against the law to use it without permission .

Important : All beta testers of my programs , and all the friends that I gave TurboIRC before the release date , are free of the registration agreement and rules .


TurboIRC Client , Chess , Script Editor and Chess Online License

The cost of the package is $30 ( U.S. ) Please mail me xmic@freemail.gr to get details about TurboIRC registration .

When registering , you will get mails about the bug fixing and function adding in TurboIRC , as well as support and help for scripts from me .

I can be found online as "WindowsNT" in any network . Feel free to join #IRCX and talk to me / ask information .


TurboIRC NickServ & ChanServ License

The cost is $50 for each of the two programs . In order to use the programs in a network :

Please complete & send me this registration form .



Full Name : __________________________________________________________________________ Address   :  __________________________________________________________________________ e-mail      :  __________________________________________________________________________      

Please select one or more of the following options :  


___ I want to register TurboIRC « Client ( includes TurboIRC , Chess, TXVoice ) Cost : $30  

___ I want to register TurboIRC « NickServ & MemoServ . Cost : $50  

___ I want to register TurboIRC « ChanServ . Cost : $50  


In order to your registration application will be accepted , you have to agree with the following terms :    

  ___ Yes , I accept these terms and I will send cash or a payable-to-you check in this address :    

Chourdakis Michael
St. Paraskeyis 61
18539 Piraeus - Athens

Only cash and payable checks are accepted , and only in US $ .    

Please select your delivery - way :  

___ I want the full package of TurboIRC so I will reinstall it .
___ I want only the EXE files that are registered , why need to re-download the rest of files ?   


Date :    -       -    Signature :    


Chourdakis Michael , ⌐ 1998 - All rights reserved .