Mail Checker

Mail checker enables you to have TurboIRC to check periodically your e-mail .

Enter your mail server , your user name and your e-mail password . Set the minutes you wish , for example 10 will cause TurboIRC to check your mail each 10 minutes . Be sure that "enable mail checker" is checked , and press ok .

For the Mail Checker to work , your mail server must follow the POP3 protocol and to listen to port 110 . Any other types of servers are not supported .

To disable checking , switch "enable mail checker" to OFF and press OK . Your server , user name and password are still stored .

You can make the TurboIRC check for multiple accounts , by separating the host names , the user names and the passwords with a space . For example , if you have two accounts , first on server with user "mark32" and password "local34" , and second on server with user "spacedv" and password "lorenz" , you would fill :

The address field with :

The user field : mark32 spacedv

The password field : local34 lorenz

This feature enables you to check for your 100+ POP accounts with a single command .