KTP is TurboIRC's attempt to reduce time need for a file transfer . Instead of establishing a direct TCP connection to the receiver , TurboIRC mails the file using a mail server , to the e-mail of the reciver .

The advantage of KTP is that a file usually is transferred faster using a mail server . For example , if you are in Europe and the receiver is in Australia , you will find out that KTP will transfer a file very very faster than establishing a direct connection .

Another KTP advantage is that you can send a file to two or more receipients !

KTP allows you to hide your IP address from the receiver . Some servers mask the IP's so they are not visible from others . Once you send a DCC SEND or TSEND request , your IP address is visible . KTP allows you to hide it .

The disadvantage of KTP is that the file size limit that some mail servers have . For example , my mail server cannot send a mail if it is over 2 MBytes long . Also the bytes transferred are actually more than the size of the file , because the file needs to be encoded to pass through a mail server .

You usually use KTP for files over 200 KB .

TurboIRC has you to follow these instructions to use KTP :

a) Only TurboIRC clients can send files with KTP . However ,because KTP does not require from the receiver to handle much things , all irc clients who support events and scripts , can receive files with KTP . TurboIRC will send this notice indicating a KTP request:

\x01VDCC KSEND file size \x01

PIRCH , VIRC and MIRC can handle this event , by asking the user if it wants the file ( TurboIRC handles that automatically ) . If the user agrees , the script should send this notice to TurboIRC

\x01VDCC KTPACCEPT e-mail file size \x01

This enables non-TurboIRC clients to accept KTP files .

For example , the appropriate PIRCH script to accept KTP's is to create an event :

VDCC:/verbose notice $nick : $+ \-1 $+ VDCC KTPACCEPT yourmail@here $2 $3


b) You should provide a name of a mail server , using the Preferences Dialog Box . This string can be an IP address , as well . It is recommended that you use the mail server of the same network , that gives you Internet Services . Ask your provider to get the name of the server . This guarantees that your connection will be very fast .

c) TurboIRC assumes that the mail servers will follow the SMTP Protocol on port 25 . If a mail server does not follow SMTP 25 , you will not be able to use it . Just try another server .

d ) TurboIRC sends the mail using MIME 1.0 format and Base64 Encoding for the file . All modern mail clients know how to use MIME and Base64 . If the client of the receiver does not , he/she shall be not able to receive the file .

e) TurboIRC will not notify the remote side when the mail has sent . You have to order the remote side to check the mail to see if the file is there .

f) You should check the mail given , before allowing TurboIRC to send the file . A user might lie about his/her e-mail address .


To use KTP :

Either select KTP from the Send Dialog box , or type :

/dcc <nick> ksend <file>

You can give the full path in <file> , otherwise TurboIRC gets that from the current directory .

The <nick> will be asked to send you an e-mail . TurboIRC will select by-default the mail the user used to log in to the network , however , the user will be able to change it .

After the mail arrives to you , you can modify it . If you want to send a file to more than one clients , just enter their mails with space as a separator . Then you are prompted to select a mail server . The default selection is the server you entered at the Preferences Dialog Box .

After you have selected the server , TurboIRC will connect to that mail server and send the mail, including the file attached .

See also :

DCC sessions