TurboIRC FileServer

TurboIRC File Server is a great tool that allows a user to view or download files from your system.You can create user accounts so to prevent users to get anything ; They will get only what they are allowed to .

Starting FileServer .

Start the file server with /fserv nick ( or /dcc nick fserv if you need to enter a timeout , e.g. /dcc nick fserv 10000 ) . TurboIRC starts the DCC Session with the user .


Configuring FileServer .

FileServ uses FSERV.INI in your TurboIRC directory . There should be a "General" section in this file , with the following preferences :

You can edit this section using the Preferences Dialog Box as well .


For each user account you must create a section with the user account name , e.g. [rikk] . This section can have one or more of the following fields :

1 : All Permissions are applied to subdirectories as well
2 : User can get a file from the directory
4 : User can send a file to the directory
8 : User can list the files from the directory
16 : User can execute a file from the directory
32 : User can delete a file from the directory
64 : User can make a directory inside the directory
128 : User can remove a directory from the directory
256 : User can copy a file to another directory
512 : User can move a file to another directory


Warning : Using the file server incorrectly can harm your computer . Giving more than usual access to a user enables him/her to destroy your whole file system ! Always give write/delete access to people you trust ,  and keep only read access for most of the users .

Use always a backslash when declaring directories .

For example , to allow a user to get , list and send files to a directory , you will make the restriction flag = 2+4+8 = 14 . To enable the subdirectories for that , make it 15 ( 14 + 1 ).

You can place a dirinfo.srv to a directory to be shown as a message when the user switches to that directory .


FileServer commands

Once the user logs in , TurboIRC FileServ recognizes these commands :

  1. dir [mask] : gets current directory list , you can e.g. dir *.exe
  2. get <file> : gets file
  3. send <file> : sends file
  4. cd <dir> : changes directory
  5. md <dir> : makes directory
  6. rd <dir> : removes directory
  7. exec <file> [parameters] : executes a program .
  8. dele <file> : deletes a file .
  9. copy <src> <dest> : Copies a file to a directory . The user must have read access to the source directory , and write access to the target directory . If the file exists , it is not overwritten .
  10. move <src> <dest> : The same like copy , but the original file is removed . The user must have read and delete permission to the source directory , and write permission to the target directory .
  11. syst : Shows TurboIRC capabilities .
  12. stat : Shows current FileServer statistics
  13. mode 0 | 1 : Allows users to change the send mode . By default , TurboIRC will send the files using SEND , which is compatible with all clients . If the client is TurboIRC , PIRCH , vIRC or any other TSEND-compatible client , you can use MODE 1 , to switch to TSEND mode . This will make file transfers much faster .
  14. help : shows help messages
  15. quit or exit or bye : terminates session