Fixpacks and CSDs

The latest CSDs (corrective service disks) available from IBM for VisualAge C++ v3.0 for OS/2 can be downloaded for free from:

For users of the US English version of VisualAge for OS/2, you need all of the files located in:

this fixpack represents more than 20MB of .ZIP files, so you may want to plan ahead of time before starting your download.

the file called is generally not needed -- this file is a source fix to the IBM Open Class Library Source Files, a seperate product that can be purchased from IBM at a cost of many hundreds of dollars, and not included by default when you purchase VisualAge C++.

To apply the fixpacks, follow the order prescribed by IBM:

  1. reboot
  2. CTC306
  3. CTO306
  4. CTW303
  5. reboot
  6. CTV305
  7. CTD302
  8. CTU304
  9. reboot
  10. if you have the OpenClass source code, apply CTS306 at any time

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Page generated by Stéphane Charette on 1997 June 30
Open Class Library (OCL) FAQ © Stéphane Charette, 1997