How to Create a Thread

There are different ways of creating threads using OCL, and the method chosen will often depend on what you want the thread to do.

Example of creating a thread to call an object method:

MyDlgClass *frame = new MyDlgClass(); IThreadMemberFn *myThreadMemberFn = new IThreadMemberFn<MyDlgClass>(frame, MyDlgClass::doSomething) ); IThread *myThread = new IThread( myThreadMemberFn ); Example of creating a thread to call an entire class: class MyThreadClass : public IThreadFn ... int main() { ... MyThreadClass *myThreadFn = new MyThreadClass(); IThread *myThread = new IThread( myThreadFn );
When using IThreadFn as opposed to IThreadMemberFn, the class being created must inherit from IThreadFn, and must contain the method run()

See also Index of Samples on Hobbes

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Page generated by Stéphane Charette on 1997 June 30
Open Class Library (OCL) FAQ © Stéphane Charette, 1997