Required Compiler Flag

There is one flag that absolutely must be specified when compiling source code which uses OCL calls. This flag is described as follows in the on-line help:

Link with multithread runtime libraries.

The default for ICC is to use /Gm- (no support for the multithreaded libraries) so the /Gm+ flag must be specified. Typical compiler behaviour when this flag is not specified is:

D:\IBMCPP\INCLUDE\ibase.hpp(226:3) : error EDC3086: Error: Use of IBM Open Class Library requires the /Gm+ compiler option. D:\IBMCPP\INCLUDE\ibase.hpp(227:3) : error EDC3086: Check the makefile (or its profile) for a missing /Gm+ option.
See also How to Compile and Error EDC3086

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Page generated by Stéphane Charette on 1997 June 30
Open Class Library (OCL) FAQ © Stéphane Charette, 1997