Error messages

Like most normal programs :-) lxLite can eventually generate error messages. Some of them can appear in similar conditions, but caused by different causes. Here is a short list of the most frequent errors:

Invalid configuration file format
Self-explaining, I think :-)
Error reading configuration file
Self explaining.
error reading executable
This is generated if executable is physically unreadable.
error writing executable
This is generated if executable cannot be written onto disk. The cause can be the insufficience of disk space - lxLite does not check for this particular error.
invalid executable file format
The file is not in [L]inear [E]xecutable. Note that you can get this message for files with .EXE extension in the cause they are in old, 'New Exe' (bwhahaha) format or DOS executable or winDOS executable.
unsupported executable format revision
This error can happen (may be :-) if you try to process an executable with other revision number than 0. OS/2 Warp works only with revision 0, so you will not normally encounter this problem.
invalid word/dword ordering in executable
The executable uses little-endian byte order. Seems that it is not for Intel platform machines.
executable target is an unsupported CPU type
This happen if the target CPU is other than 286, 386, 486 or P5.
executable target is an unsupported OS
This mean that the executable is not for OS/2. Windos and windos 95 uses similar format, but its magic number is not `LX` but `LE`, so usualy program will abort with an `invalid format` error.
unknown entry bundle type in executable
unknown page flags in executable
invalid object page detected in executable
It`s something about internal structure that lxLite doesnt know about. Please mail me if you encounter such files.
not enough memory to load executable
I doubt this error can happen in OS/2 :-) Rather a swap-file full fault will occur. BTW, it`s a bad idea of IBM programmers to trap instead of returning NIL pointer on a memory request :-(
invalid stub
Stub size must be greater or equal to 64 bytes. This requirement is due to limitation that offset to LX header must reside on the offset 60 in the stub; however it is unlikely that you`ll got this message since lxLite will add trailing zeros to such stubs.
error reading EAs
Cannot explain :-)
error writing EAs
this one too :-)
invalid fixup record
lxLite above 1.1.8 will depack and try to re-pack fixup records. Previous versions just read/write fixup table as a bunch of bytes; new versions will try to see what they contain. This error can happen when converting NE files since some of them (TFTP.EXE for example) contains so-called OSFIXUP records that is outdated and don`t have analogue in LX executable format. However, these executables are seldom encountered (I`ve seen only mentioned TFTP). I don`t know an workaround for this: you cannot convert such NE files.
bound application
Executable is an bound application. Bound application is an NE executable which runs both in DOS and OS/2 mode. These are NOT two different executables bundled together (as most dual-mode programs are done: you can do this with lxLite inserting an different DOS stub into LX executable) but rather an tiny 'OS/2 emulator for DOS mode' binded together with NE file. These are usually programs with the simplest possible user interface - such as most executables from MASM 6.0 package. These executables can still be converted by overriding this with the /NB+ option, but they won`t run in DOS mode anymore.
doesn`t support long filenames
Executable is not long file name - aware. NE files uses a bit in NE header which shows whenever executables handle long file names. If it isn`t, OS/2 doesn`t show him LFN (just as for DOS programs). In some (most that I seen) cases this is of no importance since such executables doesn`t work with files (for example ARP.EXE or INETD.EXE from TCP/IP). You can override this error message by using the /NL+ option.
incompatible segment definition
NE executable contains an segment which don`t have direct analogue in LX executable format. This is done mostly since I haven`t seen executables with such segments (namely GDT and HUGE). If you encounter any, let me know, please.
bad executable segment
Executables contain an bad segment definition (either it is bigger than its declared size, or it is partially (or fully) out of executable file). If it works, I will be surprised :-)

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