Version History

Version 1.3 (3/4/97) -
Fixed sound glitches.
Added on-line ordering link.

Version 1.2 (2/3/97) -
Added faces to computer players.
Added sounds to computer players.
Made various optimizations and speed-ups.

Version 1.1 (12/27/96) -
Added DirectDraw support.
Added DisplayMode changer to force 640x480x16bp.
Added forfeit button.
Fixed go-to-website menu option.
Added in-game music.
Added in-game glop symbol next to players' score.
Added in-game players' name text.
Added board selector for player who does not move first.
Fixed text layout in Hi-Scores screen.
Made various optimizations and speed-ups.

Version 1.0 (10/1/96) -
Original release.

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