
The Title Screen

---Player: Select whether the players will be Human or Computer players.
---Name: The name of the Human player.
---Computer: The name of the Computer player.
---Rank: The ranking of the current player.
---Rating: The rating of the current player.
---Wins: The current player's wins.
---Losses: The current player's losses.
---Ties: The current player's ties.

---Options: Changes to the Options screen.
------Display: Choose whether Ooze runs in a window, or changes the video display. (You must quit and restart Ooze for changes to take effect.
------HTML Viewer: The program used to view Ooze Help files. The (...) button to the right will open a standard file dialog, which you can use to find an HTML Viewer.

---High Scores: Takes you to the High Scores screen.

---Game Settings: Takes you back to the main screen.

---Play: When the settings are how you want them, the play button will start the game.

The Game

While playing, clicking on one of your glops will activate it. Clicking on a legal tile will move the glop. Clicking anywhere else will deactivate the glop. Squares that you can legally click on will be lit in your color as the mouse moves over them. See the rules section for more details on legal moves.

The Menus

---The Menu Bar
---------Exit: Quit Ooze (Quitting in the middle of a match will forfeit the match).
---------Contents: Brings up the Contents Help File.
---------About: Brings up the About Window.
---------Go To Website: Sends you to the Ooze Website on the Internet.

---The Pop-Up Menu
------About: Brings up the About Window.
------Exit: Quit Ooze (Quitting in the middle of a match will forfeit the match).

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