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Class aka.snmp.PDU


public class PDU
extends Object
implements BERSerializable
This class implements a SNMP Protocol Data Unit (PDU). These are the packets of information that are sent back and forth between SNMP agents and clients. This class models these packets and will convert to and from, sequences of characters according to the rules of the SNMP protocol and BER encoding.

See Also:

Method Index

 o BERSerialize()
SNMP PROTOCOL Transform this PDU to a sequence of characters, according to rules of the SNMP protocol.
 o toString()
String representation of a PDU


 o BERSerialize
 public ByteBuffer BERSerialize()
SNMP PROTOCOL Transform this PDU to a sequence of characters, according to rules of the SNMP protocol.

 o toString
 public String toString()
String representation of a PDU

toString in class Object

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