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Class aka.snmp.MibManagerMosy


public class MibManagerMosy
extends MibManager
This class extends MibManager with a routine to read MOSY compiled files. The mosy compiler is part of the ISODE package 6.0, and is obsolete.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o MibManagerMosy()

Method Index

 o addFromMosyFile(String)
Reads from SNMP Objects from MOSY processed file and stores them. Deprecated.
 o main(String[])
Test Harness


 o MibManagerMosy
 public MibManagerMosy()


 o addFromMosyFile
 public void addFromMosyFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, SnmpMibException
Note: addFromMosyFile() is deprecated. - MOSY compiler for SNMP V1 not avaliable

Reads from SNMP Objects from MOSY processed file and stores them.

 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Test Harness

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