Installation and System Requirements

Platforms supported by Templeton

In order to run Templeton, you should have the correct executable for your operating system. Please select your operating system and platform from the list below: Other operating systems, such as IRIX, HP-UX, DOS with Windows 3.1, or Windows NT, may be supported in the future depending upon customer demand.

Templeton's interface has been designed for compatability between operating system; you do not need to learn a new interface when changing operating systems. The current revision of Templeton is text-only (no graphical user interface). If there is a show of support, then I will create a GUI in future releases.

Note: Hard disk requirements are not listed. The Templeton executable is relatively small. However, the data copied from remote WWW sites may be large and you should probably have between 2 and 50 Megs of disk space for mirroring (depending on your usage).


System Requirements: OS/2 3.0 (Warp) or later, TCP/IP 2.0 or the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2. HPFS prefered, but it runs fine under FAT -- just truncate all names to 8 characters. For example, templeton.exe becomes templeto.exe.

Required Files:

To run Templeton, type templeton.exe at the command prompt.

Windows 95

System Requirements: Windows 95, TCP/IP support. May work with other network protocols. A 32-bit winsock DLL, usually called wsock32.dll (comes with Win95).

Currently there is no installation script for Templeton. This will be added in later releases.

Required Files:

To run Templeton, type twin95.exe at the command prompt. Under Windows 95, Templeton does not support long file names. Registration currently is supported for specific machines only, not IP addresses or subnets.

Release notes:

Not yet released.


System Requirements: Linux Slackware version 3.0 or later (1.2.13 kernel or later). ELF support required.

Required Files:

Release Notes:

To run Templeton, type tlinux at the command prompt. Optionally, the executable may be renamed to templeton.

The Pwd64 executable is called pwd64 in the Linux 1.2.13 distribution.

SunOS and Solaris

System Requirements: SunOS version 4.1.3 or Solaris 2.5 in SunOS compatability mode.

Required Files:

To run Templeton, type tsunos at the command prompt. Optionally, this executable may be renamed to templeton.

The Pwd64 executable is called pwd64 in the SunOS 4.1.3 distribution.

[Main Menu] [Trademarks]
Document revision: 10 March 1997 for Templeton 1.970
Copyright 1996,1997 N.A. Krawetz
Modification, republication, and redistribution of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.