
Tremors : web

Cool Site 1 20 KB
The short version will show you the igloo and eskimo.
Cool Site 2 60 KB
The extended version will show you the full eskimo sceen.
Danger Hot Site 26 KB
Click to see the 'danger hot site' sign go up in flames.
Email Sequence 8 KB
Email disappears in a moving envelope.
Interactive Site! 21 KB
The monster will jump and bump his head on the interactive site.
Shopping Cart 16 KB
Click to load your shopping cart.
Site Still in Planning Stage 14 KB
Click to see the pencil write the planning message.
Traffic Light 25 KB
Click to change the color of the traffic light and hear the cars screech to a halt.
Under Construction 38 KB
The Under Construction sign clonks on the construction worker's helmet.

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