~X-Wing : B-Wing Missions Collection of cheats and tips contributed by Kevin Gorasia. B-Wing Mission Disk for X-Wing ------------------------------ On the Historic Mission 6,in which you fly the B-Wing,in the Death Star trench run. There are regular blasts of big lasers. When they happen duck into the trench and keep on doing this. Also if you miss, when you shoot the proton torps. You have to quit the mission and play it again. You can't just go round for another pass. Even if you hit, it will not say "NICE SHOT!!". B-Wing a Load of Hacks ---------------------- 1.Hacks ======= Here is a load of hacks for B-Wing but make sure that you have the original disks handy, just in case anything goes drastically wrong. First, back up bflight.ovl to bflight.old. Open the file bflight.ovl using a hex editor such as PC Tools. For unlimited missiles on all fighters go to address 132A0. Find the sequence: FE 8F 13 01 and change it to: 90 90 90 90. This is useful when you have lots of corvettes and frigates to destroy. The hacks to increase the strength of your shields are different for each fighter. Find the following sequences and change them to: 98 3A 98 3A 04 00 34 08 FIGHTER ADDRESS SEQUENCE X-Wing 2C370 C4 09 C4 09 04 00 34 08 Y-Wing 2C450 A6 0E A6 0E 04 00 68 10 A-Wing 2C530 C4 09 C4 09 04 00 DC 05 B-Wing 2D250 88 13 88 13 04 00 9C 18 When you're playing, the shields will take some time to charge. Obviously you want to charge both shields and lasers to maximum. Divert power from the laser to the shield to speed things up. This will slow the fighter down but you can increase speed and acceleration by changing the following sequence to: F4 01 63 FIGHTER ADDRESS SEQUENCE X-Wing 2C380 E1 00 0C Y-Wing 2C480 B4 00 08 A-Wing 2C540 0E 01 10 B-Wing 2D260 CD 00 0C Save the changes and exit. Copy bflight.ovl (the newly changed one) to bflight.cht. If you want the play the original, unhacked version copy bflight.old to bflight.ovl. If you want to play the cheat copy then copy bflight.ovl. If you're still hopeless even with a super-charged B-Wing then this final hack will slow the Imperial forces down to a snail's pace. Open the hacked bflight.cht and change the following sequences to: 19 00 0A. That should help some. FIGHTER ADDRESS SEQUENCE TIE/F 2C620 E1 00 FF TIE/I 2C700 FA 00 10 TIE/B 2C7E0 B4 00 0A TIE/A 2D180 45 01 00 ASS GUN C8C0 C8 00 0C *Well that's IT!*