~Flight Of The Amazon Queen FLIGHT OF THE AMAZON QUEEN by IBI Solution -------- By Lu Richardson General: Sweep the mouse around to spot what there is in each screen, otherwise you won't know what I am talking about. Talk to everyone you can. In conversation, you must pursue each line to the bitter end. Some lines do not appear until you've used the previous ones. If the conversation ends, restart it till you've used up all the possibilities. Now and again, play will be interrupted to show you what's going on back at the ranch. Don't worry about it, just watch carefully when it happens. Oh, and don't forget to save now and again! Having watched the intro, we'll take it from where you are in control. Hotel Room ---------- Look at door, posters, chest and window. Use curtain cord, look at posters and mirror and pick up wig. Pick up sheet, look at other sheet, pick it up. Use sheet on other sheet and then the resulting sheet rope on the radiator. Use that to goo down the shute. Weeeee.... Store Room ---------- Examine shelves, move ladder, get crowbar and comedy breasts, climb up sheet rope, use crowbar on the chest and look at it - you get a towel, big deal. Go down the shute again. Try to open the red door on the right and you'll find it locked. Go through the door to the top left. Hotel Lobby ----------- Avoid going near the two goons (you could try leaving, for a bit of fun, but save first and be ready to reload), examine the key on the desk and talk to the bellboy. Keep talking to him, again and again, until you can use the line that you are Lola's friend. He will then let you have the key. Pick it up and go back to the store room. Lola's Room ----------- Use the key to unlock the red door, open it and go in. It doesn't matter what lines you choose, just make sure you ask her to help you. She'll go in the shower and ask for a towel which, happily, you possess. Give it to her and she will give you a dress in return. You leave. In the store room, use the dress, go to the lobby and out to the truck. On the Road ----------- Use your clothes to change. Pick up the chicken and use it on Rico. Pick up some hay - an oil drum is revealed. Pick it up and use that on Rico in the car. The Airdrome ------------ Talk to Anderson - whichever lines you use, you end up knocking him down. You then take off. Watch the sequence. After the Crash --------------- Open the duffel bag and look at it - you get a knife and a lighter. Examine seats and you will find a soggy coupon. Talk to Sparky: ask about supplies and obtain some beef jerky from him. You can also talk to Faye, if you like. Open the hatch and stand on the lily pad. Examine it. Use the jerky on the piranhas, pick up the propeller, use the knife on the lily stem and then use the propeller on the lily pad. You all get off and land. Crash Site ---------- Watch and pay attention to Sparky. Exit bottom left, look at the bridge/support rope and note the banana. Exit top, and top again. Have a chat with the parrot. Use knife on vine; once you have it, go back to the bridge, use the vine on the support rope and go get the banana. Go back to where the parrot was, exit top. Talk to the gorilla, tell him he comes from Africa and should not be in South America. He vanishes. Go to the pinnacle and watch sequence. From the pinnacle you can see all the locations to visit, to which you can go in any order. Floda Camp ---------- Look at the dog, pick up a flower, go through door. Look at everything, especially the pencil on the desk. Talk to Secretary and say you are the fumigator but left the equipment in the car. Go back to pinnacle. From here, go to... The Jungle ---------- Look at sign, exit top. Look at sloth and use the flower on it. Watch, or go and make yourself a cup of tea. Exit right. Talk to Bud about the heat and it will transpire that he suffers from a rash. Talk to Skip. Mention the comic book you are after, namely the one with the Chicago Mob in it, and he will let you have it. Look at the comic and read it through, it contains an important clue. Once you've seen it, a torn page will appear. Use the soggy coupon on it and then look at the result. Exit top right. Look at the beetle and the fish. Exit right. Talk to the gorilla in the dinosaur suit and keep talking till you can persuade him to disappear. Exit bottom. Talk to Jimmy and Mary-Lou, observe her file is almost useless. Give the banana to the chimp with the coconut - you get the coconut. Exit top and then go through the hollow log. Go up and look at the orchid with swarming wasps. Exit right. Look at the carving and use buttons. Watch. The Amazon Fortress ------------------- Talk to the guys, right to left. To the one with the puppets, say you like the one with the stick. Watch what happens - you should end up with the puppet. Then Faye comes along. Talk to her and apologise as much as necessary. At the end, follow her. Watch. At the end of the palaver, you exit right. Look at everything, and try to talk to the girls though it's not important. Exit left. Continue left, top, left, through the log and back to the pinnacle. From here go to crash site and ask for Sparky for a file. Give him the comic - no good, but you'll get the file. Go back to the bridge for another banana. Go back to the mission and talk to Mary-Lou. Talk of the pigmies and the dictionary and swap her the file to get the dictionary. Go back to the pinnacle and go to... Trader Bob ---------- Look at everything and talk to the tall pigmy. Go right. Talk to the chief and to the witch doctor - ask about a rash cure and you will be asked for the ingredients. Enter the trading post and look around at everything. Talk to Naomi; she is looking for some perfume. Talk to the parrot for fun, talk to Bob and ask about being a special customer. Give the rest of the beef jerky to Bob and get the vacuum cleaner. Watch. Back to the pinnacle and to... Floda Camp ---------- Talk to the secretary, say you've come to fumigate. Exit top, look at the couch to get some money. Look at everything, but don't be fooled. You can move the painting, the statue's arm and the book, but nothing will happen. Note the phonograph particularly. Out, go right. Talk to the chef till you find out what is troubling him. At the end of the talk, give him a banana for the doctor's lunch. When he leaves you in charge, pick up a can of dog food and some cheeze bitz. Go right, open mail bag and get the letter. Open foot locker and get the squeaky toy. Go right outside, give the toy to the dog, open the door, go in and examine the box - it's padlocked. Leave. Now that you know where everything is, we can get on a lot faster. Go to the orchid and use the vacuum on it to get the wasps. Pick up the orchid. Take it to Bob who, in gratitude, lets you have one of the fishing nets. Use the net to collect the beetle and also the bottle of perfume at the crash site. Take the perfume to Naomi who will give you her scissors. Take them to the sloth and use them on him to get some hair. Go to the witch doctor. Use the knife on the coconut and then hand him the hairs, the coconut and the vacuum cleaner. He will give you a rash lotion. Take it to Bud and he will give you a lot of money. Go back to Trader Bob and pick up the record, which you can now afford. Take the record to Floda Camp, go to the library and use it on the phonograph. Bingo! An elevator appears. Use it to go down - but, before you do, it may save time if you go to the secretary's post. If it is deserted, you can pick up the pencil. If not, you'll have to come back later. Basement -------- Basically, you have to go around the four sides of a square, opening doors and looking carefully at everything in those rooms. Leave the fire exit for last. When you meet Private John, talk to him and give him the letter. This disables him and you can carry on exploring. Harry is also quite easy - tell him he's on kitchen duty and give him the name Colonel Jackson. Klunk is slightly tougher. Talk to him to find out just how tough. If you want to go through the door which he's guarding, you'll have to do the following. First of all, I will assume that you've been through every door save this one and the Fire Exit. You should have found a book which is stuck together, on a table, and a can opener in a box in a store room. You should also take the time now to go up the elevator and get the pencil from the secretary's post if you haven't got it yet. Go to the Fire Exit and you will recognize the room from a previous sequence. Look at everything, and pick up the antidote. Go up the stairs and talk to the princess. Now open the can of dog food with the can opener and use the antidote on it. Go to Klunk and give it to him. Provoke a fight and you will floor him. Go into the room and look at the desk, use the pencil on the pad to get the combination to the safe. Go to the room in which there were some silly notes on a table and a solitary file cabinet on the top wall. Move this to reveal the safe. Use the combination on it and open it; look at it to collect the key and the damaged plans. Now use the knife on the stuck book to get the key to the cell, go to the princess and free her. Watch. Back up in the Floda Camp, use the mannekins. Watch what happens. At the end, ask Azure if she observed the code for the door. She will tell you how to do it, so use the panel by the door and you will be out. She will go home, while you go to the door by the dog and go in. Use the key from the safe on the padlock, open the box and get what's inside. Now go to Azura in the Amazon Fortress and watch what happens. If you thought that was the end of the adventure, you have another thing coming. At the end of the sequence, go to the pinnacle and from there to... The Jetty --------- Keep talking to the ferryman till the question of fishing arises. Talk about the bait and, at the end, hand him the beetle. He will agree to ferry you across, so just talk to him again and go to the boat. Sloth Island ------------ Enter the temple. Look around the first room and note the machine to the left. Go through either door to the top, moving all the mummies and picking up their bits and pieces. When you meet the dino rat, give it some cheeze bitz (ugh!). Back at the main room, use the skull, ribcage and leg bone in the corresponding holes. Then go to the machine, use the arm in the socket, insert a coin in the slot and move the arm. A door will open. Go through and there is a great fall. Down below, you'll be asked a riddle - the old sphinx chestnut. Use lines 2 and 3. Finish the conversation. This place with the gigantic statue I will call the entrance. There now will be three open doors and it's important that you go through them all and find out where everything is. If you go through the one to the left, you'll come to a great big snake. The middle one leads to some pulleys and up to a cave with a hole in one wall and a stalactite. The door to the right takes you to more pulleys and a stone slab. Here, a door at the top will take you to a man who promptly disappears and further on, to a dead man and some good looking zombies. Talk to the leading zombie and keep talking to persuade her to open the sarcophagus. When she does, pick up the mummy wrappings. Talk to her again and get her to open the sarcophagus once more by saying you picked up the wrappings. When the zombies buzz off, open the sarcophagus (you get the crown) and use the knife on the vines inside. Close the sarcophagus and move it. Go in through the hole. I'm afraid you are in for another great fall. Look at the tree sap and use the knife on it; pick up some sap. Go to the fountain to the left and move it - pick up the blue gem. Keep going left past the lever (don't touch it yet) and through a door. You'll see a guy in a trap. He'll get you to help him, telling you he has the skull. Don't you believe him! Talk to him anyway. Go left and examine the statue. Use the hand puppet on the stone disk to get it. Go back to the lever and use it to get out. Now, back at the entrance, go through the middle door and use the stone disk on the spindle to the right, then use the vine on the disk. Left, go through the door to the right of the entrance, use the loose vines on the pulley, use the bat on the pulley - this raises the slab. Go in to the right and get the pick. Out again, use the bat on the pulley to lower the slab. Go left and go through the middle door to get to the cave. There, use the pick on the stalactite to get a flint. You can also use the pick on the hole and go through to the next room - note the crypt and the green jewel. OK, back out to the entrance. Use the mummy wrappings on the arm bone you are carrying, the flint on the lighter and the lighter on the torch. Go through the left door to the snake and use the torch on it; it goes away and you are able to go through the door. You will come to a dead body - look at it and you'll get an ID and a bit of stone. Use the tree sap on this bit. Go left and through the next exit. At the foot of the stairs, ignore for now the two statues with the beams and go bottom right. Move into the room and use the lever. Talk to Ian and tell him to untie the support rope, then use the lever again. As expected, he turns out to be a cad. Never mind. Go back the way you came, past the two statues with the beams, and to the left. Yet another sequence to watch, then continue left. Look around and use the gem on the left eye of the statue, then get the stick from the boulder to the left. Get up the stairs and back to the entrance, take the door in the middle and go to the cave and, through it, to the vault. Use the stick on the crypt, look at it and get the mask. Use the rest of the wrappings on the mask to polish it. Now go to the sarcophagus and through the hole to get more tree sap. March past the lever once more and look at the pulverized body - you get a bit of rock. Use that on the bit of stone with the sap and you get a stone key. Now you can use the lever to get out. Find your way to the two statues with the beams and use the mask on one of the heads. Having sorted that out, go through the door to the vault. Use the sap on the bat and that on the jewel. Having retrieved it, go to the statue with the two waterfalls and use the gem on the right eye. The waterfalls dry up. Go through the passage to the right. Use the key on the statue and stairs will appear. Go down them and you will find yourself in a maze. All you have to do to get out is to keep feeding cheeze bitz to the dino rat and following it - just point at the exits through which it leaves. Eventually you'll come to a throne room. Move the wall panels of the throne and a chair appears. Look at the wall markings further down - you are able to read them with the dictionary. Go through the door to the top right. Use the hoover on the mosaic to uncover it. Basically, you have to move the wall markings which are not on the mosaic, namely 2nd from left of the bottom line and, when the markings change, 3rd from left of the 3rd line. The door to the top right opens and you can go through. You are met by the guardian, who asks you some questions. Claim to be the heir (prince for hire). When asked for proof, give the guardian the crown. The panel opens and you can pick up the skull. Go back through the top door to the throne room and use the chair. Bon voyage. Right, it you thought the game was over now, wrong again. Watch what happens. You find yourself locked in the cell, but never fear because, as you know, I'm a computer escape artist. It's the old ploy, folks - pick up the mug and use it on the door. Watch what happens. Once you are free and everyone has gone about their business, leave through the elevator and get to the pinnacle. From here, go to Trader Bob. Buy the alcohol (you now have the ID to get it) and then use it on the power pack. Go back to the pinnacle and use the pack. Valley of Mists --------------- Don't give up on me, just one more effort and we'll finish this game yet. Watch the initial sequence. Walk right following Faye and you'll come to a large dinosaur. Walk to distant clearing (top) and again to clearing (top). Use knife on branches, down, give branches to dinosaur and down again till you can go to the left. Watch the next scenario and, while hidding behind the rock, use the horn. That would scare anyone off. Now you can keep going right till you meet the rest of the gang. Watch what happens. When in control, pick up the gun and use it on Frank. Watch. Use the gun on Faye and then talk to her about the mirror. Zap Frank. Foiled again. Once Sparky is back to normal, give him the mask. Once more for luck, zap Frank. Watch the finale. Exhausting, wasn't it? THE END. Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.