~TFX A few cheats, hints & tips for this game by Kevin Gorasia ~How to skip Training Missions and fly wherever you want! ~-------------------------------------------------------- Tired of training missions when you feel ready to take on the gates of hell? Fortunately TFX has a way for mavericks to skip training missions, allowing you to fly wherever you want.While at the "Enter Pilot Name," screen, hold CTRL key while pressing ENTER key three times. Voila! You can now fly anywhere without going through training. ~A few more cheats for TFX ~------------------------- Some fuel for thought is that, during missions, you have a secret way to return to base regardless of what's in your fuel tank. So, if your fighter eats up 99.9% of it fuel load during the mission, simply engage the Auto-Landing by pressing ALT-L. This will amazingly teleport your plane to the airfield at the last way point instantly, no matter what the distance. The ALT-L combo will literally allow anything, whether you're tied up in an impossible to win dogfight or your jet is swiss cheese with a tiny piece of gum holding it together.Once back to base your jet will be completely refueled, reloaded, if you were allowed to pick your missions at the start of the mission. Another way to use this is if the landing field is closer to the targets or simply in a better tactical position to excute your objectives, you can use ALT-L to arrive there faster. The only drawback is that there isn't a way to pick which friendly airland you use with Auto-Landing. Kinetic energy is used to determine the mission ranges(Clever). If you launch a missle when you're at a higher speed, it will now only go farther, but faster too. Cosmetically speaking, an undocumented feature available with outside views is the use of the CTRL-arrow keys,you can close in very tightly on any part of the jet,including the cockpit for a very nice effect (makes worth buying a pentium!). Lastly the CD version's music comes directly of CD tracks when you're flying, but has the nasty tendency to stop when the tracks done, not restarting itself. If during the mission, the music stops and you want to have your cool tunes back, then enter the options screen, press the " ` " key (that's the key usually located above the TAB key and to the left of the 1 key), and the music will restart from the beginning. After all, what would Top Gun have been of like without Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone"?