~Jazz Jack Rabbit Complete cheats listing. From: alex.derevinskiy@synergybbs.com Message-ID: Date: Tue, 4 Jul 95 08:21:00 PST Organization: Synergy BBS Here's a definitive list of cheats for JAZZ JACKRABBIT!!! I would like a walkthrough and/or cheats for Star Control 2 in return, if at all possible... Anyway, here it goes (the cheats are for 1.0 and 1.1 versions) ZDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD? 3012 Jazz Jackrabbit by Epic MegaGames 2103 3012 Tested: Y Reviewer: Yours Truly Grade: 89 2103 @DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY Some secret things to do: Secret Level: In the second level of diamonds you will come across three blue trampolines... Jump on the first one. While in air go to left wall, jump in and shoot the ? sign. While in the secret level, you become a bird. Use the CSTRIKE code (below) to change to/from Jazz. Cheat codes to use while playing: For version 1.1 add DD to the beginning of the codes. 1. Press "P" to pause 2. Press the backspace key 3. Type the code Some codes for version 1.0 are: ddmark Unstick yerself. Sez so in manual. bouf makes jazz invincible gunhed gives all guns and 100 ammunition for each sable turns Jazz red and speeds him up cstrike gives you a flying skateboard bad gives you an escort bird apogee 16 color mode, half speed. Just like Apogee games. doom Turns screen red and makes enemies tougher. ken Exit to dos. Do not pass go, do not collect $200... hooker Green the screen, then get a gem. mark Die. lamer Skip a level. hocus Teleport around level check Produce some numers on the bottom of the screen arjan Produce a laugh. greetz Hello, world! tim Awesome. Just try it. So, in order to get the gunhed code, you would: Be in a game Press "P" to pause Press backspace Type the code Note: you might need to try it two or three times because it doesn't always work the first time (usually it does, though). ENJOY!!!!! Lord Vader