~Heimdall ~***************************** ~ HEIMDALL 1 ~ HINTS & TIPS & SOLUTION ~ by Delporte Eddy ~***************************** First some tips that will prove invaluable in your forthcoming quest: 1. Choose only three people to travel to the islands as this will allow them to advance a lot quicker. Take Heimdall, the best fighter and the best wizard as this gives you a good, overall party for any situation that may arise. 2. You will find yourself drastically running short of room to carry your equipment so be prepared to discard some of your items. You only need two weapons: a dagger (preferable silver) and an axe or sword (a Storm Blade would be nice). Give these weapons to Heimdall as he will do most of your fighting. Some of the spells are not really worth the space. For example, spells like Aesir's Dexterity and Vanir's Strength should be discarded as they only slightly improve your performance. Plain rings, charms, gold rings, amethyst, ruby keys and circlets are only to be used for selling material in shops so they should be thrown away if you have enough money. 3. The only types of key used are plain, gold, silver, iron, diamond, jade and stone. Discard all others as they are useless and give all keys and gold to one person. Also, make sure you get rid of any powers runes you collect on the first level as they only serve to weight you down on the later stages. 4. Battles are inevitable but easy to deal with if you follow one simple rule. The easiest way to kill them is to continually throw daggers at them as this reduces their energy but gives them no time to retaliate. 5. Last but not least is experience. To gain experience you must kill every monster you come across and open all the chests you can find. Don't bother with the disarm traps spell, it's pretty easy to dodge the arrows. Just go to the point where they come out of the wall and walk along. You'll suffer no damage as the collision detection is only in the tip of the arrow. 6. Weapons are pretty hard to come across but here they are in order of power and ability should you find them.: axe sword dagger runic axe runesword silver dagger adamant axe crystal sword stone axe thunderblade storm blade To get rid of pesky dwarves, sorcerers, trolls and giant rats use a combination of daggers, swords and axes. Daggers and ice spells are best for beating spiders, swords and axes to kill the manic monkey men. 7. There's a sneaky way to get a great runelore rating while travelling around Midgard. Go to the island kill the sorcerer you find there and then nab the nearby potion and drink it (or take it back to your ship and give it to somebody else). When you come back to the island the potion will have magically reappeared. You can keep returning and leaving as many times as you want. 8. There's a great way to get money by the sackful. Go to the island where you have to pay a silver coin to enter and find the shop. Give heimdall all the gold and the adamantite axe. Sell the axe and confirm the sale. Then click on the sell icon again. The shop owner will happily buy the axe again! Keep doing this until the shop is full then buy back the axe. You should be very rich.... The levels are all numbered in reference to the maps along with any items you need to successfully complete them. QUEST ONE - THE SEARCH FOR THOR'S HAMMER ********************************************** ISLAND ONE - Requires nothing Make your way around the island picking up everything and killing the orc. When you get the chasm, cast the revelation spell to make a bridge appear. ISLAND TWO - Requires nothing First go through the door on the right wall nearest the chest. Explore these two rooms and then return to the first room. You should be in possession of a disarm traps spell. Cast it and then open the chest. Now enter the other door on the right hand wall. Make your way around the walls of the second room to avoid the traps in the middle. A normal key opens the door in the next corridor. Now go through the door at the bottom of the screen. In the room with the orc in, cast remove walls at the far right of the room. Now return to the first room and exit through the final door. In the room with mantraps, cast disarm traps and then tread on the switch. The exit is the central door of the next room. ISLAND THREE - Requires 1 normal key, hemlock and descension spell Number the switches 1 to 6 from left to right and step on them in this order: 2 - 6 - 1. If you make a mistake, number 5 is a reset button. The locked door in the next room is unlocked with a normal key. Use the descension spell to lower the block in the next room. Take the sapphire and discard it or sell it to the shopkeeper. In the next room you will find a man. Give him the hemlock. ISLAND FOUR - Requires disarm traps spell Use disarm traps spell in the first room and go through the door on the right hand wall. Explore the corridors, gathering as much as possible before returning to the first room and going through the other door. Collect the contents of the chest before leaving the island. ISLAND FIVE - Requires nothing Cast a disarm traps spell in the first room and then open the chests. Make your way around the island until you reach the last room with the man suspended in mid-air. Walk to the altar and drink from the chalice. The man will now give you a market pass. ISLAND SIX - Requires market pass Travel around the island until you find the two magic portals. Change your character to either a wizard or a fighter and go through the corresponding portals. Give the pass to the man at the end if you need to go into the shop. ISLAND SEVEN - Requires a normal key and a loverly silver key Walk around the island collecting everything you can. The first locked door is opened with a normal key and the second requires the silver key. Make sure you have the diamond before you leave the island. ISLAND EIGHT - Requires a normal key and a quite delicious silver key Explore the island before attempting anything. The first door is opened with the silver key and the second requires the normal key. In the room after the second door, take the first path to get lots of useful items. Fight the two men with clubs and explore their paths before leaving the island. ISLAND NINE - Requires a silver coin and a diamond. Find the two chests with the runestone and then locate the tree with three branches. Place the diamond on the nearest, the silver coin in the centre and the runestone on the other branch. This will give you the serpent killer spell. ISLAND TEN - Requires a gold key, two normal keys and a silver key Use the silver key to unlock the left hand door in the first room. The other two doors need normal keys to open them. The bulky door is unlocked with the gold key. Take the runestone and go through each corridor pushing all five switches. Now go through the door and tread on the magic symbol. Now exit the island. ISLAND ELEVEN - Requires nothing. Go around collecting everything as before. Make sure you have the shrinking spell before you leave by killing the grey monkey. ISLAND TWELVE - Requires a jade key and the shrinking spell Kill the serpent with the serpent killer. Now go through the doorway at the top of the first room and give the six power rune scrolls to the hooded figure. Collect the stone key across the bridge. Use a jade key to open the gate in the centre of the first room (if you don't have one, go through the bottom doorway in the first room). Use the stone key to open the next gate. The scroll in the chest is useless. Use the shrinking spell to reduce thor's hammer to a more manageable size. QUEST TWO - THE SEARCH FOR FREY'S SPEAR ********************************************** ISLAND ONE - Requires nothing Get the helmet and the "revelation spell" from the chest in the room with the two bulls heads on the wall. Stock up on anything you need from the shop. ISLAND TWO - Requires nothing Defeat the dwarf in the first room you enter and take the signet. Show this to the swordsman who asks to see the seal of the gods. Let each of the characters drink from minir's well, this will increase their runelore ratings by 10 points. Collect the teleportation spell. Don't bother opening the chest in the sorcery's chamber, it's completely empty!! ISLAND THREE - Requires helmet First get the water spell from the chest in the first room, find the chest with the iron key for the next island. Then look for the altar with the two helmets on it. Place the helmet on the altar and get the diamond key from the far right of the room. Exit the island. ISLAND FOUR - Requires iron key, solver key, water spell The first door you come across will be unlocked by an iron key. Use the silver key to unlock the second door and use the water spell to put out the fire. The third door is unlocked by the normal key but don't go through this door until you've been through the unlocked door in this room and killed the two wizards. Make sure you collect the ruby and the disenchant spell. ISLAND FIVE - Requires revelation spell Use the giant killer spell if you have one. Some of the holes in the wall contain giant rats or spiders and others are doors that you can use. If you choose the correct ones (start on the far right of the first room, straight through the second and third ones), you will eventually end up on a giant's bookshelf. Kill him with a giant killer spell, go to the end book and cast revelation. Have a look around and you should find a shrinking spell. You can also begin this island by walking through the left doorway and take the gemstones from the right cauldron. You will find a runelore potion in the next two rooms. Leave the island the you came in to avoid the nasty monsters. ISLAND SIX - Requires nothing. You can go around and killing everything and collecting all the goods, but you can also open the first gate with the silver key. Give the gemstones to the dwarf. Take the necklage from the man sitting by the fireplace. Do not try to take any treasure - all you will get is 10 GP and a kicking from the dwarf. ISLAND SEVEN - Requires a ruby -, normal -and diamond key. Go through the left most doorway and unlock the door beyond the spiders web with the diamond key. Give the ruby to the goddess IDUNA WHO and she will give you the apple to give to the wisest sister of fate. A normal key unlocks the other door should you wish to explore. ISLAND EIGHT - Requires a silver - and two normal key's The first door you come to is unlocked with the silver key. The other two doors require normal keys to open them. Go into the right building on the island and a kind dwarf will give you a necklage to give to one of the sisters of fate. ISLAND NINE - Requires a revelation spell Cast a detect doors spell in the end room of the cellar of the left hut. Go through the door that appears to find some dragon's eggs and three scrolls, for the final sister of fate. ISLAND TEN - Requires the three gifts and a disenchant spell Give the necklage, apple, dragon's egg to the sisters of fate, by going down each path. Then as they tell you go to the temple in the centre of the island. Now cast the disenchant spell to get the mouthpiece. ISLAND ELEVEN - Requires teleportation spell and mouthpiece Work your way around the island until you come to the room with the horn in it. Use the teleportation spell to cross the chasm and get to the other side. Kill the three monsters and blow the horn by using the mouthpiece, to transport your ship to the final island. ISLAND TWELVE - Requires shrinking spell Go around the island and stand between the two tall stones before casting the shrinking spell. The quest is now complete and you get Freyr's spear. QUEST THREE - THE SEARCH FOR ODIN'S SWORD ********************************************** ISLAND ONE - Requires nothing As soon as you step onto the island use a detect traps spell. Walk through the right doorway and pick up the revelation spell. Some useful runestones can be found on the other paths. ISLAND TWO - Requires runestones Fight the middle troll in the room containing three trolls. Go through the doorway and eventually you'll find a potion, some food and a revelation spell. In the second room, throw some runestones into the water and then press pause. You will see that two routes appear. Take the one on the right hand side. Move as far as you van before falling into the water. When this happens, don't move the joystick until after you've used some more runestones. When you get in the other side, open the chest and take the revelation spell and the ring. ISLAND THREE - Requires two revelation spells. Kill the wizard and collect the third revelation spell. Make all three bridges appear by using the spells and collect all the items at the end of each path. Make sure you have the bag of stones and the water spell before leaving. ISLAND FOUR - Requires bag of stones. Walk through the doorway straight ahead of you and find the room with the enchanted pouch and the empty shelf. Put the bag of stones in the empty shelf and collect the pepper. ISLAND FIVE - Requires pepper bag. Walk past the cobwebs in the second room and through the doorway. Stand in front of the mast head in the room with the ship in it. Throw the bag at the masthead with the ring through its nose to make it sneeze. Take the ring when it drops and leave. ISLAND SIX. - Requires nothing Use a detect traps in the first room. There are eight switches in the second room. Number then one to eight counting the one in the centre as three (the one that fires the arrows). Now tread on the switches in this order : 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 6. ISLAND SEVEN - Requires water spell and 3 silver rings. Cast the water spell in the second room. Walk to the steps in the next room and place each of the three rings on the runic circles. The statue will then hand you a sword. Now leave the island through the left unlocked door. ISLAND EIGHT. Just sail to this island to finish the game. ODIN'S sword is in your grasp at last and your mighty quest is at an end. ************************************* ****************************** This Article Copyright 1995 of Delporte E. Written for Cheet Sheets Magazine.