Summary Reports

Sample Budget Status Report by UID

                        UNISOL JobAcct Budget Report

        SYSTEM        SITENAME                        DATE
        unisol        UniSolutions Associates         06/12/96

Uid   Project       Current  Minimum Last-Add  H-Total Add-Date CretDate O W Status
_____ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _ _ ______
  200 unisol          20.00   100.00   500.00  1000.00 06/11/96 06/08/96 1 2 EXCEEDED
  201 unisol         -80.00     5.00   200.00   700.00 06/11/96 06/08/96 1 2 DEPLETED
  205 unisol         420.00     5.00   500.00   500.00 06/08/96 06/08/96 1 0 OK
  269 unisol         420.00     5.00   500.00   500.00 06/08/96 06/08/96 1 0 OK
  271 -any-          240.00     5.00   500.00   500.00 06/08/96 06/08/96 1 0 OK
  272 overhead      -672.48     0.00     0.00     0.00        -        - 0 1 DEPLETED

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