TestWorks: Quality Process Architecture

TestWorks(tm) supports a multi-filter Quality Process Architecture(tm) for software development projects in in C, C++ Ada and F77. TestWorks elements are used for planning, automating and managing complex test suites, for test suite coverage analysis, for support of WWW site testing, and and for static, metrics (C, C++, Ada, F77) and testfile creation support. The TestWorks system is organized as bundles of individual test products, each freestanding but all easily combinable in a multi-filter Quality Process Architecture.

The Tools You Need...

Experienced practitioners know that software testing is often very hard work! They understand that automation of function is the only viable alternative for virtually any contemporary software development team's or IS shop's Quality Proecess. TestWorks' multiple bundles and multiple products ease the testers' burden by providing the Architecture to support a genuine Quality Process.

TestWorks tools are smoothly integrated and well-matched to each stage of the software test process. You can use TestWorks products to produce custom TestWare -- custom combinations of TestWorks products and functionality tailored to your specific needs and requirments.

How to Estimate Your Process' Success...

A cornerstone of the Quality Process Architecture(tm) the TestWorks Index(tm), a measure of how well TestWorks components are applied in your Quality Process Architecture. Even well-known process assessment methods such as CMM do not contain explicit provision for testing and quality processes. The TestWorks Index provides a way to choose sets of ``software quality filters'' that support various levels of proces maturity and integrity.

Estimated/likely defect detection ratios indicated by TestWorks Index are a practical guideline to guage your Quality Process Architecture. Typical TestWorks Index point values are given in all of the TestWorks product descriptions given below. Add up the individual point counts, divide by the total metrics used, and you have your initial TestWorks Index score. The final score for your Quality Process Architecture can be calculated using the TestWorks Index estimator chart.

To Learn More...Your Copy of Our White Paper...

We've prepared a white paper about how TestWorks can help you achieve a high scoring Quality Process Architecture(tm). Contact SR for complete details on how to obtain YOUR copy of this important quality planning document.

Software Research, Inc.
625 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94107-1997
Phone: +1 (415) 957-1441 or (800) 942-SOFT [USA Only]
Fax: (415) 957-0730