BENEFITS: Assurance of Test Completeness. Reduced Defect Content. Positive Test Suite Completeness Check.

KEY FEATURES: Full-featured Branch, Call-Pair Coverage Analyzers (C, C++, Ada and F77). Color annotatable call trees and digraphs with source viewing. Embedded Testing & Cross-Testing Support.

APPLICATIONS: All Software Development.

TestWorks INDEX VALUE: +80 Points if > 2 Coverage Metrics Applied.

STW/Coverage, an integrated suite of coverage analyzers, works individually or as part of the TestWorks multi-platform suite of testing tools. STW/Coverage tools indicate where testing is incomplete by providing measurements to determine how well test cases exercise programs during unit, system and integration test levels. With STW/Coverage, available testing efforts can be focused on untested code, rather than generating redundant or deficient tests. STW/Coverage helps determine when enough testing has been performed so that the product can ship.

To ensure the thoroughness of test cases, three analyzers and an observation tool are included in STW/Coverage.

TCAT is a logical branch level (C1) and call-pair (S1 overage analyze. for unit, sub-system, and system testing of C, C++, Ada, and F77 software.

S-TCAT is a function-to-function call-pair (S1) analyzer for system and integration testing for Ada and F77. NOTE: TCAT and S-TCAT functions are consolidated in TCAT/C-C++.

TCAT-PATH is a true path class analyzer (Ct) intended for use on critical applications where ``proof of correctness'' completeness is required. TCAT-PATH measures the number of times each derived path class (sequence of branches) in a module is exercised.

T-SCOPE is a test data observation tool which dynamically displays logical branches and function-calls as they are being exercised.

The resulting data is displayed in coverage reports, color annotated call-trees and color annotated directed graphs both of which include annotated source viewing capability. Coverage reports include hit, not hit, newly hit, newly missed, and optional ASCII histogram reports for current, past and cumulative test results.

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Software Research, Inc.
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San Francisco, CA 94107-1997 USA
Phone: +1 (415) 957-1441 or +1 (800) 942-SOFT [USA Only]
Fax: +1 (415) 957-0730