Cosmo Code Components

Cosmo Code provides developers with an integrated, visual development environment. Based on Sun Microsystem's Java Development Kit 1.0.1 release, Cosmo Code extends the base development environment providing a high-performance development environment for fast efficient development.

Graphical Source Debugger

Utilizing an easy to use graphical user interface, the Java debugger supports the following features:

Click for Debugger Screen Shot

Object-Oriented Code Analyzer

The static analyzer is a tool which takes a set of Java sources and object (.class) files and helps the user understand the design of the Java programs and classes. This tool displays information about the program's object-oriented structure, including inheritance graphs, class definitions, and more. Users can run queries such as where methods are declared and how multiple classes are related. This is a useful tool for understanding the design of a Java program, or viewing the overall structure from a high-level, while also supporting the ability to do detailed analysis.

The Cosmo Code static analyzer is tightly integrated with the debugger; for example, a developer can view the code as an inheritance graph and double-click on a class name to bring up the source code in the source view.

Click for Code Analyzer Screen Shot

Java Compiler and Interpreter

The Java compiler parses and compiles Java programs into machine-independent byte-code. The Java runtime interpreter parses and executes that byte-code. The compile and interpreter included with Cosmo Code are fully-compliant for maximum portability. On Silicon Graphics systems, the runtime support will include extensions for symmetric multiprocessing and runtime performance via native code execution. The Java compiler parses and compiles Java programs into machine-independent byte-code. The Java runtime interpreter parses and executes that byte-code. On Silicon Graphics systems, the runtime support includes extentions for symmetric multi-processing and runtime performance via native code execution.

Visual Builder

Available in early fall, the visual builder is an extensible tool for designing Java applets or applications. Developers can drag and drop a wide range of user interface components onto an application window to quickly create Java programs. The visual builder then generates the Java code - automatically. Libraries for animation, graphics, user interface, and more will be represented as visual objects on the builder tool's palettes. Developers can add 2D or 3D graphics, animation, video, and audio - with the drag of a mouse.

Integration with Cosmo

Cosmo Code is the first released product in Cosmo, a suite of next-generation multimedia Web products from Silicon Graphics. Cosmo Code provides the development environment to write Java code that can be used to create interactive multimedia environments, including VRML 2.0 worlds. Combined with Cosmo Create, Silicon Graphic's HTML/VRML authoring tool, Cosmo Code enables developers to create their Java applets and then drag-and drop the applet on to their web page without additional programming. Cosmo Player is a browser plug-in that supports SGI's Moving Worlds VRML 2.0 standard.

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