Segue in the News


Segue's QualityWorks Automatically Drives 32-Bit OCXs in Visual Basic, C, and C++ Applications; Provides Automatic Testing of 32-Bit Visual Basic Applications

NEWTON CENTRE, MA, April 29, 1996-Segue Software, Inc. today announced breakthrough support for the Visual Basic programming environment from Microsoft Corporation for both the Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. Segue introduced the new Visual Basic Extension for QA PartnerĀ® that allows QA Partner to automatically recognize and test any OLE Custom Controls (OCXs) used within an application. Segue also introduced the new GO! for Visual Basic product that allows Visual Basic programmers to implement automatic testing that is up to six times faster than traditional record/playback and scripting methods.

The new Visual Basic Extension to QA Partner provides complete support for testing Visual Basic applications and objects. It supports testing of OCXs published by Microsoft and third-party vendors. The new release also supports OCXs embedded in C and C++ applications, allowing users to automatically interrogate any OCX and define objects to QA Partner for testing. Tim Perkins, Segue's Vice President of Marketing, said, "The release of comprehensive Visual Basic 4.0 support harnesses the OCXs ability to communicate and define itself to QA Partner. Users can now just place the cursor over an OCX control, hit a function key, and the OCX will define itself to QA Partner. This allows customers to manage the quality problems caused by the proliferation of OCX controls. This new capability solidifies Segue's position as the leader in testing 32-Bit Windows applications. Segue was the first test tool vendor to ship WindowsNT and Windows 95 test tools, and we have the most experience in helping developers and software quality professionals deliver high-quality 32-bit applications quickly."

GO! consists of pre-packaged, automatic test scripts that provide out-of-the-box testing for Visual Basic applications. GO! allows Visual Basic developers to rapidly test basic attributes of the application and develop an automated testing plan. The results of the tests can feed into Segue's QA PlannerTM to automatically build a test plan. These test scripts are re-usable, and can be re-run using QA Partner to ensure software quality throughout the testing cycle. GO! will also automatically build tests against the properties of Visual Basic, C, and C++ OCXs.

QA Partner provides re-usability of test scripts, allowing developers with 16-bit Visual Basic 3.x test scripts to protect their investments in QA Partner test scripts by migrating them seamlessly to 32-bit platforms. Tests are not only migratable from 16-bit Windows 3.x, but are re-usable between WindowsNT and Windows 95, providing cross-platform migration of existing tests.

Pricing and Availability

The Visual Basic Extension to QA Partner is available in May at no extra charge beyond the $2,495 price of QA Partner and $3,495 for QA Partner: Distributed. Existing QA Partner and QA Partner: Distributed customers will receive the Visual Basic Extension as a free upgrade. GO! for Visual Basic is priced at $495 and will be generally available in May.

About Segue Software, Inc.

Segue Software (NASDAQ:SEGU) develops, markets and supports the QualityWorks family of open architecture quality assurance software tools, methodology, and management. QualityWorks enables the rapid development and re-use of automated software tests across more than 20 platforms, and is currently used by more than 8,400 software quality professionals worldwide. Headquartered in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, Segue also has offices in San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, and Dallas, with distribution offices throughout Europe, Canada, and Australia.

Segue's 100+ plus employees provide automated testing products and consulting services to organizations developing client/server and Internet-based software applications. Segue Software offers corporate and product information through its World Wide Web site, located at


QA Partner is a registered trademark of Segue Software, Inc. QualityWorks, and QA Planner are trademarks of Segue Software, Inc. All other system and product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.