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Purify Data Sheet

Purify at a Glance

Identifies execution errors and memory leaks within your application everywhere they occur.

Enables developers to eliminate run-time problems before they reach the end-user.

Improves productivity and reduces training time by presenting all information in an easy to use and understand interface.

For today's complex software development projects, run-time or memory access errors are some of the most difficult problems to solve. Reading or writing past the boundary of an array, leaking memory unpredictably, using uninitialized memory with random contents; these potentially disastrous errors may take weeks to find and fix. Purify solves these problem by combining the most comprehensive run-time error checking available with an easy to use graphical user interface.

Comprehensive Run-Time Error Detection

To achieve comprehensive checking Purify uses Object Code Insertion (OCI) technology to intercept memory accesses by inserting additional instructions in the object code before every Load and Store operation. The major advantage of OCI is completeness: all of the code, including thirdparty and shared libraries can be checked in this manner. Even hand-optimized assembly code can be checked. OCI helps Purify find more types of errors in more areas of your application than any other similar tool.

This completeness means bugs in application code that manifest themselves in vendor or third-party libraries are detected.

Easy to Use

Just point Purify to your already built executable and Purify's automatic checking begins. A Purify'd program is a standard executable that can be fork'd, exec'd or run under a debugger.

Graphical User Interface

Purify offers both interactive and batch reporting of error messages to make analysis as convenient as possible. An intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows the user to browse error messages more efficiently than ever before. The hierarchical, or outline display, provides detailed information for specific error messages enabling the user to focus on the most critical errors first. Access to application source or development processes such as Run, Make and Debug are only a mouse click away. This instant access makes correcting application errors simple and easy.




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Supported Environments

Purify supports: For information on running Purify on IRIX 6.2 please contact info@pure.com

Give it a Spin

Download an evaluation copy and give Purify a spin!