The following materials are
required for your participation

For the CD Booklet

Your company's logo
Black & white, camera-ready stat, Illustrator eps files or original artwork will be accepted. The size requirement is 3"by 3" or as close to this dimension as possible. Business cards and letterhead are not acceptable. The better the quality, the better your logo will look!

Two sentence product description
This should include the product name with the EXACT desired spelling, including trademarks and upper and lower case specifics. Because of space constraints there is a two line maximum for each company, which should not exceed 40-50 words. If there are multiple products, please describe the product line.

Company address and contact information
This should include the complete company name with trademarks as well as the address, phone number, fax number, e mail address and URL. All contact informa- tion will be formated within the CD booklet along with the logo and product description.

Submit materials to us in the following manner

Silicon Graphics Inc.
Attn. Caroline Lowry - Hot Mix Marketing
2011 North Shoreline Blvd., M/S 420
Mountain View, CA 94043-1389

Phone: (415) 933-2895
Fax: (415) 969-6327

To ftp:

Your Submission

On-line presentation requirements
The CD-ROM uses an HTML interface and Netscape as the browser. You may inlcude audio/video clips , images and quick time movies to make your presentation as interesting as possible. You may also provide screen- shots of your product for the presentation. To do this, use the IRIX utility "/usr/sbin/snapshot" to create an RGB file of your screen. The manual page on snapshot provides more detailed information on how to do this. Try to provide 24 bit snapshots if possible since SGI 8 bit machines will automatically dither the images. Con- vert them to GIF or JPEG using "imgworks" found in your "Media Tools" directory. Please note, the Hot Mix CD does not support image mapping.

If your company has a 3D image of your logo, include it with your presentation.

Keep your presentation is dynamic, try not to submit text only. Remember, this is a sales tool for you! Keep in mind you will be billed acccording to the size of your presentation.

Submit your presentation on a DAT, QIC, floptical or e mail directly to

If you're submitting software

  1. If the software is going to run off of the CD:

    1. Send the software application (make sure it does not write back to the CD!)
    2. Launch scripts (contact Joe Ushana for templates)

  2. If the software is to be installed on the hard disk:

    1. Send the software application
    2. Installation scripts/Deinstallation scripts (contact Joe Ushana for templates)

  3. Also include the Software Testing Information Page with the software application and send them on a 1/4" cartridge or 4mm DAT tape to Caroline Lowry.