VisualWorks 2.5

The powerful client and server tool for building portable applications with object-oriented technology

VisualWorks® provides powerful tools and capabilities for building client and server applications. Feature-rich and approachable, VisualWorks provides developers with: With its unique Database Application Creator, developers can quickly build applications using relational databases with point-and-click ease. No other client/server product has a comparable toolset that creates applications by modeling database elements as Smalltalk objects. VisualWorks' extensible and scalable environment provides tools for developers' application development needs today and in the future.

The VisualWorks environment provides a unique framework for creating database and nondatabase applications.

Intuitive Graphical Environment

VisualWorks' graphical environment combines intelligent tools with extensive capabilities. The new drag-and-drop framework provides an API that lets developers build more intuitive applications. The choice of leading Fortune 500 companies, VisualWorks lets developers build basic applications quickly, reduce development costs, maintain applications easily, and provide scalable solutions--all in a flexible and unique graphical environment.

The VisualWorks launcher provides the gateway to the powerful client/server tool.

Rapid Database Application Development

VisualWorks' unique Database Application Creator eliminates the tedium normally associated with traditional 4GL languages. The Database Application Creator provides developers with the following tools and capabilities for rapid database application development:
The Visual Data Modeler lets developers establish the relationships among objects. This road map is used by the ObjectLens to link relational and object data.

The Mapping Tool, part of the Visual Data Modeler, maps an object and its variables to database equivalents.

The Canvas Composer provides point-and-click creation of database application interfaces.

The Interface Painter allows developers to utilize the rich capabilities of the Canvas Tool and Palette to quickly build GUI interfaces.

Advanced GUI Interface Painter

VisualWorks' interface painter employs a "paint-and-build" approach to GUI construction. Enabling fast GUI application development by directly manipulating electronic "canvases," VisualWorks allows developers to utilize the following set of tools in their application development:

Enhanced Application Delivery

VisualWorks provides tools to make application delivery easier. With the ability to load and unload parts of an application easily, developers can manage memory more efficiently and distribute application updates. The new Image Maker lets developers create more compact deployment images, enabling faster application loading.

Through the use of parcels, separate files containing grouped classes and methods, developers can incrementally update their deployed applications and better control memory requirements.

True Binary Portability for Instant Deployment

Because VisualWorks' compiles source code to the computer's native instruction set, developers need only develop their code once. Their finished application can be instantly deployed across all the major client/server platforms--without any recompiling or reprogramming effort.

Reusable Application Framework

VisualWorks is the only client/server tool that provides a Reusable Application Framework to accelerate application development. Used to generate working prototypes from user interface specification, including database-aware objects, the Reusable Application Framework acts as a scaffold upon which applications are built and provides a framework which is fully user-extensible and configurable to the developer's needs.

Exploiting the benefits of the Reusable Application Framework, the 'visual reuse' feature allows interfaces and behavior to be shared across applications, changes to be replicated throughout an application, and maintenance and enhancement to be accelerated.

Access to Database Connectivity

VisualWorks makes it easy for developers to access relational database systems for client/server applications. Using object-oriented technology, VisualWorks provides direct access to and between relational database systems, such as DB2, Oracle7, and SYBASE.

Proven Smalltalk Language

ParcPlace Smalltalk(TM) is a nonproprietary, ANSI-candidate programming language that provides the foundation for the VisualWorks client/server tool. It contains a library of over 900 classes and 24,000 methods and includes the characteristics of true object-oriented technology-- polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Designed to speed application development, Smalltalk offers developers support for high-level debuggers and performance analyzers, full execution speed of native machine code, and sophisticated memory management.

Integrated Object-Oriented Development Tools

To streamline their application creation, developers can access the following integrated and interactive development tools:

Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications for VisualWorks 2.5

Complementary Products

ParcPlace-Digitalk offers a range of complementary products for VisualWorks, VisualSmalltalk(TM), and VisualSmalltalk Enterprise(TM). VisualWorks complementary products include Advanced Tools, Business Graphics, Database Connect, DLL & C Connect, ReportWriter, and ENVY®/Developer. VisualSmalltalk and VisualSmalltalk Enterprise complementary products include PARTS Wrapper® products for ADW, CICS, COBAL, EHILLAPI, and relational databases.

Training, Consulting, and Technical Support

Georg Heeg and ParcPlace-Digitalk offers comprehensive training, on-site project assistance, and consulting services for developers seeking the full benefits of object-oriented technology. Technical support services include a telephone hotline, technical newsletter, and electronic bulletin board.

For more information on VisualWorks 2.5 for SGI from Georg Heeg - Object-Oriented Systems, call +49-231-97599-0 today.