NEWTUN is a 3-D finite difference compressible viscous flow solver providing transient field solutions over arbitrarily 3-D shapes. REPLICORE, AutoCAD or other geometric modeler produces a 3-D body which is the inserted by NEWTUN into a uniform 3-D grid and solutions are provided shortly thereafter. A full complement of 3-D rendering and visual analysis tools are included. NEWTUN is unique in it ability to solve for flow over complex 3-D bodies at integrations rates orders of magnitude faster than comparable techniques. Release 2.0 contains a Motif(TM) preprocessor and produces PLOT-3D files for further postprocessing. A multitasked, vectorized version exists for supercomputers.

Laurence Feldman

Creative Visual Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 0329
Evanston, IL 60204
310-212-5046 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Aerodynamics, Aerospace, Hydrodynamics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical/Fluids CAE, the developer index for Creative Visual Software, Inc. and the market segment index for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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