3DYNAFS©, a 3-dimensional surface-solid boundary modeling code, utilizes the Boundary Element Method to solve user-defined hydrodynamic interactions. This method effectively reduces the problem to a two-dimensional boundary calculation, resulting in a drastic reduction in computation time compared to other hydrodynamics codes. 3DYNAFS produces output to show time history of phenomena such as bubble growth and collapse in the presence of complicated solid boundaries, bodies, and free surfaces as well as other transient free surface phenomena. Results can be ported to graphical post-processing codes for visualization.

Antoine Chahine

Software Development Mgr
7210 Pindell School Road
Fulton, MD 20759
301-604-3689 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Boundary Element Analysis, Computational Mechanics, Ship Design, Simulation, the developer index for DYNAFLOW, Inc. and the market segment index for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

3DYNAFS is a Trademark of Dynaflow, Inc.

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