Digital Media Development Option

The Digital Media Development Option is a set of C API's for media application development on the Silicon Graphics platform, with support for media such as audio, video, movies and images. The option includes the Audio, Audio File, MIDI, CD/DAT Audio, Compression, Movie and Video Libraries. The new Video Library supports the following video hardware options: VINO (built in video on Indy), Galileo, Indigo(2)Video, IndyVideo and Sirius options products. This option includes header files for each library and sample application code. This product is now included in the IRIS Development Option.

Michele Chambers Turner

Dev. Tools Mktg Manager
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
2011 North Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
415-933-6218 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Animation, Application Development, Broadcast, Broadcast Animation, Film & Video Production, Media Authoring, Multimedia, Software Development Tools, Software Engineering, Video, the developer index for Silicon Graphics, Inc. and the market segment index for Silicon Graphics Products.

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