HME - Hierarchical Modeling Environment, is a 3-D modeling application designed to give the user complete access to the hierarchical structure of models to the polygonal level. HME allows the user to dynamically build, manipulate, and display hierarchical 3-D objects. The program's window-oriented user interface allows manipulation of objects using the mouse, menus, buttons, and sliders. The model hierarchy is displayed graphically and allows the user to point at any node and use a powerful set of options to utilize the full potential of the GL(TM) library. HME is especially useful for understanding the basic principles of computer graphics. Written in C-language for IRIS workstations supporting the 4Sight windowing system. Implemented under IRIX 3.1.

Karen Newcomb

Information Analyst
382 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602
706-542-4807 (fax)

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