SEE-BED(TM) is a multidimensional, interactive data visualization and editing tool for hydrographic data.

SEE-BED allows the user to visualize geo-coded bathymetric data sets in a variety of ways from any point in space. Individual point data may be viewed and edited according to user defined attributes such as depth or depth range. Statistical rendering of data is also available while maintaining a true 3-dimensional, interactive perspective. Data editing features are in complete control of the user. The software is quickly and intuitively driven by the use of a mouse and graphical user interface.

Stefan Dromlewicz

Marketing Manager
Sirius Solutions Limited
One Research Drive
Suite 215
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4M9
902-464-0931 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Database, Geographic Info. Systems, Hydrography, Oceanography, Seafloor Imaging, the developer index for Sirius Solutions Limited and the market segment index for Visualization Tools.

SEE-BED is a Trademark of Sirius Solutions Limited

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