IDL® is a complete, integrated computing environment for data analysis, visualization, and custom application development. Worldwide, over 20,000 users in laboratories, universities, and industry take advantage of IDL's comprehensive capabilities for both research and production applications, spending only hours or days writing programs and complete applications rather than weeks or months in traditional languages like C or FORTRAN. IDL features include: an array-based, 4th generation language (4GL) to quickly prototype new ideas, a cross-platform toolkit for developing MOTIF(TM), Macintosh® OS, and Microsoft® Windows graphical user interfaces, Numerical Recipes(TM) mathematics and statistics routines, built-in gridding, and data display capabilities ranging from XY plots to 3-D volume visualization.

Julie Ceranski

Marketing Coordinator
Research Systems, Inc.
2995 Wilderness Place
Suite 203
Boulder, CO 80301
303-786-9909 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Engineering, Image Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Programming Language, Scientific Visualization, Visualization, the developer index for Research Systems, Inc. and the market segment index for Visualization Tools.

IDL is a Registered Trademark of Research Systems, Inc.

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