TGS provides an optimized implementation of the IRIS GL library for the Sun platform which allows you to port IRIS GL applications to the Sun. PX/IRIS GL(TM) is the high performance SPARC implementation of Silicon Graphics' IRIS GL. PX/IRIS GL enables your complex IRIS GL applications to run on SPARC-based workstations with the performance of Sun's XGL. PX/IRIS GL also supports GL windows, dithering, font manager and popup menus. PX/IRIS GL is tightly coupled with X windows and runs with OpenLook or OSF/Motif. PX/IRIS GL is available in C or FORTRAN.

Diane Connolly

Technical Consulting Specialist
Template Graphics Software, Inc.
9920 Pacific Heights Blvd.
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92121-4331
619-452-2547 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Engineering Visualization, General Graphics, Graphics Libraries, Mechanical CAD, Mechanical CAM, Model Visualization, Scientific Visualization, Solids Modeling, Visualization, the developer index for Template Graphics Software, Inc. and the market segment index for Visualization Tools.

PX/IRIS GL is a Trademark of Template Graphics Software, Inc.

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