GRAPHIO is an additional layer based on graphics functions of Xlib and OSF/Motif(TM) libraries. It provides users with fast history mechanism, allowing multi-level undo and redo of what has been previously drawn. The history mechanism allows others features such as insert, replace (therefore animate) or erase graphics. Many more functionalities are provided by GRAPHIO such as zoom, pixels expansion, user coordinates, drawing pixels, graduations and file image dump. GRAPHIO software package is divided into a library product (C/C++ language interface) and a software product (command-line interface). Particularly the library product can deal with one or many Drawing Area widget of Motif(TM).

Laurent Fritz

37 avenue du General de Gaulle
Bruz, 35170
33-1-99-57-91-67 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Animation, General Graphics, Graphic Design, Graphics Animation, Graphics Libraries, Graphics Tools, Image Creation, Scientific Visualization, Visual Simulation, Visualization, Visualization Tools, the developer index for CESTA and the market segment index for Visualization Tools.

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