Training and Consulting Services

Getting you up and running as quickly as possible is the goal of our C++ Training and Consulting Services. We now offer training courses for Rogue Wave products. In addition to our popular Tools.h++ course, you can now sign up to learn more about Math.h++ and View.h++. We are also offering courses in C++ and Object-Oriented programming for both new and experienced programmers.

Sue Lindsey

Manager, Partnerships
Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
260 S.W. Madison
P.O. Box 2328
Corvallis, OR 97339
503-757-6650 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Engineering, Financial Applications, Mathematics, Telecommunications, Training, the developer index for Rogue Wave Software, Inc. and the market segment index for Services & Consultants.

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