
Applixware is a fully-integrated suite of 32-bit applications and tools for customizeable real-time decision support. Products include Applix Real-Time Spreadsheets, Words, Graphics, Mail, and Data (a graphical relational database access tool). The Applix Extension Language Facility (ELF) is a graphical scripting language for integrating external applications and data sources and for rapid application development. Access to real-time data sources enables dynamic analysis and graphical modeling of live information, either through Applixware or via applications developed with ELF by the user. The product has been heavily adopted by both Wall Street firms and manufacturing concerns for real-time data analysis.

Tony Giannelli

Director, Marketing
Applix, Inc.
112 Turnpike Road
Westboro, MA 01581-2833
508-366-9313 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Data Acquisition, Desktop Publishing, Development Tools, Electronic Mail, Office Automation, Productivity Tools, Spreadsheets, Word Processing, the developer index for Applix, Inc. and the market segment index for Productivity Tools.

Applixware is a Trademark of Applix, Inc.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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