Accurate Automation Neural Network Tools (NNT(TM))

The AAC Neural Network Tools (NNT(TM)) contains 12 neural network paradigms with 4 learning modules. NNT is designed to assist users in integrating neural networks into their application programs. NNT includes: ADALINE/MADALINE, Adaptive Critic, BAM, Boltzman and Cauchy Machines, Cooperative-Competitive, Counterpropogation, Functional-Link, Hopfield, LVQ, Perception, and Self-Organizing Topology Map. Learning methods are Backpropogation Hebbian Learning, Drive Reinforced Learning and Optimal Estimation. NNT can be run in an accelerated mode with the aid of a unique AAC developed MIMD parallel processor system which has been optimized for implementing neural networks.

Robert Pap

Accurate Automation Corporation
7001 Shallowford Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37421
424-894-4645 (fax)

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NNT is a Trademark of Accurate Automation Corp.

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