XESS® is an independent real-time spreadsheet and toolkit which serves as a robust desktop productivity tool and well-equipped to handle sophisticated applications. The unique client/server Connections API allows easy integration with other desktop tools and makes XESS ideally suited for VAR/OEM solutions. In addition to handling standard spreadsheet tasks, the XESS spreadsheet itself supports all arithmetic, Boolean, and logical operators available in the C programming language. It also has a wealth of functions for complex engineering, scientific, and financial calculations plus formula constraint checking for validating calculated results. Demo software is available for anonymous ftp from in directory /vendor/ais/.

Anne Hartley

Vice President
Applied Information Systems
100 Europa Drive
Suite 555
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919-493-7563 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Data Acquisition, Development Tools, Spreadsheets, the developer index for Applied Information Systems and the market segment index for Productivity Tools.

XESS is a Registered Trademark of Applied Information Systems

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