
MastarMind hierarchical storage management software enables access to low cost online mass storage from client server network servers and workstations. The software allows users to transparently read from and write to WORM, rewritable, and multifunction storage devices in optical, tape, and CD-ROM jukeboxes. Server is compatible with standard client server platforms and operating systems, requires no special integration, features media spanning, has file system level magnetic caching, and provides virtually unlimited storage capacity. MastarMind combines the access speed of magnetic disk with secure, low cost, large capacity optical and tape media to provide a state-of-the-art solution to storage management for client server networks.

Alan Meyers

Director, Marketing
QStar Technologies, Inc.
600 Jefferson Plaza
Rockville, MD 20852
301-762-9829 (fax)

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MastarMind Axxess is a Trademark of QStar Technologies, Inc.

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