Rorke Data/Introl SCSI-FLEX JB(TM) Software

SCSI-FLEX JB(TM) allows for easy integration of Silicon Graphics(TM) workstations with today's high performance SCSI optical jukeboxes. This software provides direct, transparent access to all of the available optical disks within the jukebox. SCSI-FLEX JB allows data access across heterogeneous networks. The software includes a custom written driver, an auto-install utility, complete documentation and software protection. Rorke Data currently ships SCSI-FLEX JB for Silicon Graphics workstations running IRIX(TM) 4.0.5, 5.2 and 5.3. IRIX 6.1 support is scheduled for Q3, 1995.

Cyrus Samari

Product Manager
Rorke Data, Inc.
9700 West 76th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
612-829-0988 (fax)

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SCSI-FLEX JB is a Trademark of Rorke Data Corp.

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