TruScan Large Document Scanners

Vidar's TruScan Product line includes the TruScan 500 and TruScan 800 Grayscale and Black-and-White Scanners, and the TruScan CS400 Color Scanner. TruScan 800, with resolutions ranging from 75 to 800 dpi, includes Vidar's Adaptive Area Thresholding(TM). TruScan 500, with resolutions from 75 to 500 dpi, can output either grayscale or binary image data. TruScan CS400 outputs 24-bit full color images at 400 dpi from documents up to 36" wide. The CS400 can also extract one or more specific colors from the original document.

Anders Johnsson

Product Manager
Vidar Systems Corporation
460 Spring Park Place
Herndon, VA 22070
703-471-1165 (fax)

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Adaptive Area Thresholding is a Trademark of Vidar Systems Corporation

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