4 DOF Force Feedback Master(TM)

The 4 DOF Force Feedback Master(TM) was developed as a Surgical Simulator for laparoscopic or arthroscopic surgical procedure training. More recently it has begun to be used for entertainment and molecular modeling. It provides force feedback to the human hand and arm and motion commands to the slave or simulation. The device was designed to have a working volume similar to that experienced by the surgeon during actual procedures. In addition, the interchangeable handles allow the surgeon to attach real surgical handles, making the procedure more realistic. Although the device has a large work envelope, it also has a small physical size with no external mechanisms, making it ideal for use in any laboratory or office environment without safety concerns.

Joanne MacGillivray

Manager, Sales & Service
EXOS, Inc.
2A Gill Street
Woburn, MA 01801
617-933-0303 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: CAD/CAM, I/O Devices, Molecular Modeling, Simulation, Training, the developer index for EXOS, Inc. and the market segment index for Medicine and General Biology.

4 DOF Force Feedback Master is a Trademark of EXOS Inc.

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