
TrueSolid(TM) is a volume-graphics package for users and developers dealing with large volumetric data sets or complex geometric solids (or both). Comprehensive tools are provided for interactive visualization, manipulation and analysis. Input includes SGI Inventor, NLM Visible Human data sets, raw volumetric files, scanners (medical and laser), IGES, etc. Rapid prototyping ('.stl') files can be output. Data sets can be communicated via the Internet for remote viewing (using a free 3-D software viewer). Applications include medicine (surgical simulation, implant design, etc.), scientific visualization, NDT, CAD/CAM and VR. TrueSolid's patented methods have proven effective in 10 years of clinical use.

Charles Gallagher

Director of Sales
Octree Corporation
7337 Bollinger Road
Cupertino, CA 95014-4329
408-257-9014 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Medical Imaging, Rapid Prototyping, Scanners, Surgical Planning, Volume Rendering, the developer index for Octree Corporation and the market segment index for Medicine and General Biology.

TrueSolid is a Trademark of Octree Corporation

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
Copyright © 1995, 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.