ADAMS/FEA(TM) is a software product that simplifies and automates the two-way exchange of data between ADAMS® mechanical system simulation (MSS) software and finite element analysis (FEA) software. With ADAMS/FEA, users can (1)incorporate complete geometric, flexibility, damping, and mass information from a linear FEA model into a nonlinear ADAMS model to incorporate flexible components in a large-displacement dynamic simulation; and (2) pass internal, external, and inertial loading results from an ADAMS analysis into an FEA model, to provide accurate component loads early in the design process. ANSYS, MSC/NASTRAN, and neutral file formats are supported.

Stacey Hamill

Application Engineer
Mechanical Dynamics, Inc.
2301 Commonwealth Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
313-994-6418 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Aerodynamics, Aerospace, Aircraft Structure, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Flexible Mechanisms Analysis, Multibody System Analysis, Structural Engineering, System Simulation, the developer index for Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. and the market segment index for Mechanical CAE.

ADAMS/FEA is a Trademark of Mechanical Dynamics, Inc.
ADAMS is a Registered Trademark of Mechanical Dynamics, Inc.

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