Turbo Mesh(TM)

Turbo Mesh(TM) is a general-purpose Finite Element pre-processor, interfaced with MSC/NASTRAN, ANSYS and I-DEAS. Turbo Mesh allows direct creation of 3-D wireframe geometry or import of CAD geometry via IGES.

Turbo Mesh's features include creation, manipulation and editing of points, lines, arcs, Beizer and NURBS curves, nodes, elements, boundry conditions and material/geometric tables.

Turbo Mesh allows for extrusion of elements along a straight, circular or curved path. Automatic mesh generation is implemented to create 2 1/2D and 3-D mapped meshes, and 2-D free meshes.

Turbo Mesh uses the GL library extensively for real-time panning, zooming and rotation of wireframe and shaded models.

Alexander Barnell

General Mechanics
1 rue Albert Einstein
Champs sur Marne, 77420
33-1-64-68-27-58 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Computational Mechanics, Computer-Aided Modeling, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Finite Element Modeling (FEM), Mechanical CAD, Mechanical/Fluids CAE, Pre- and Postprocessing, the developer index for General Mechanics and the market segment index for Mechanical CAE.

Turbo Mesh is a Trademark of General Mechanics
MSC/NASTRAN is a Registered Trademark of MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation
I-DEAS is a Registered Trademark of SDRC
ANSYS is a Registered Trademark of Swanson Analysis Systems Inc.

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