SIMAIL creates and displays 2-D, 2 1/2-D, and 3-D meshes interactively. It allows interactive generation of meshes (bar, beams, surface, plates, shells, cones, solids) based on characteristic point, line, and surface data; interactive mesh generation from CAD files; interactive mesh positioning and modification, geometric transformations, topological transformations, displacement of vertices, and renumbering of nodes; introduction of different load cases into the system (surface and volume loading-blocking conditions at the limits); display of mesh characteristics (points, lines, physical properties, boundary blocking conditions); and display of the mesh under arbitrary angles with the capability to suppress hidden surfaces, set windows, zoom, and select subregions. SIMAIL provides a powerful reliable voronoi algorithm which computes a tetrahedral mesh from a highly complex geometry defined by its skin mesh.

J. Chantrel

Business Dev. Engineer
1, Rue James Joule
Guyancourt, CEDE78286 78286
33-1-30-12-27-27 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Aerospace, Building Design, Civil Engineering, Mechanical/Fluids CAE, Pre- and Postprocessing, the developer index for SIMULOG and the market segment index for Mechanical CAE.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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